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英文名称:EpiQuik Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Kit






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   EpiQuik甲基化DNA免疫共沉淀试剂盒运用本公司的专利技术,提供了一整套必需的试剂和方法来从细胞中富集甲基化DNA.试剂盒用甲基化胞嘧啶的特异性抗体与甲基化基因组DNA(meDIP)进行免疫共沉淀.富集所得到的甲基化片段可以进行标准的DNA分析.整个富集过程花费不到3小时,获得比其它试剂盒更好的富集效果.本试剂盒富集的甲基化DNA可用来进行定性和定量PCR、southern 印迹以及DNA微阵列分析。

   EpiQuik甲基化DNA免疫共沉淀(MeDIP)试剂盒中含有免疫共沉淀哺乳动物细胞中甲基化DNA所需的所有试剂.并且,本试剂盒中还有一种CHIP-级 5-甲基化抗体,以及正常小鼠的IgG阴性对照.从细胞中提取出DNA,打断之后,加入微孔板中,被抗体捕获.然后DNA从复合物上解离下来,通过本公司特别设计的高速离心柱子纯化.洗脱下来的DNA可以被用于随后的各种扩增反应.该甲基化DNA免疫共沉淀试剂盒 内主要产品组份包括:CP1 (wash buffer) CP2 (antibody buffer) CP3A (pre-lysis buffer) CP3B (lysis buffer) CP4 (CHIP dilution buffer) CP5 (DNA release buffer) CP6 (reverse buffer) CP7 (binding buffer) CP8 (elution buffer) Normal mouse IgG (1 mg/ml) Anti-5-methylcytosine (1mg/ml) Proteinase K (10 mg/ml) 8-well assay strips (with frame) 8-well strip caps F-spin column F-collection tube 用户指南手册。









Product Overview

Please see the Methylamp DNA Capture Kit if you are working with purified DNA as the starting material. 

The EpiQuik™ Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) Kit is a complete set of essential components which uses a proprietary and unique procedure/composition to enrich methylated DNA from cells. In the assay, an antibody specific to methyl cytosine is used to immunoprecipitate methylated genomic DNA. The immunoprecipitated methylated fractions can be then used for a standard DNA detection. The kit is suitable for combining the specificity of methylated DNA immunoprecipitation with qualitative and quantitative PCR, and southern blot as well as DNA microarray. The kit has the following advantages:

  • Directly immunoprecipitate the methylated fractions of DNA from cell lysates.
  • Highly efficient enrichment of methylated DNA: > 95%.
  • Strip microplate format allows manual or high throughput.
  • Conveniently includes columns for DNA purification in order to save time and reduce labor.
  • Compatible with all DNA amplification-based approaches.
  • Achieves very reliable and consistent assay conditions.

Principle & Procedure
The EpiQuik™ Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) Kit contains all reagents required for carrying out a successful methylated DNA immunoprecipitation directly from mammalian cells. Particularly, this kit includes a ChIP-grade 5-methylcytosine antibody and a negative control normal mouse IgG. DNA in the cells is extracted, sheared, and added into the microwell immobilized with the antibody. DNA is released from the antibody-DNA complex, and purified through the specifically designed Fast-Spin Column. Eluted DNA can be used for various down-stream applications.

Product Citations

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Bechtel W et. al. (May 2010). Methylation determines fibroblast activation and fibrogenesis in the kidney. Nat Med. 16(5):544-50.