BisulFlash DNA修饰试剂盒提供了最优化的缓冲液配方和试剂,利用Epigentek研制的新一代DNA亚硫酸氢盐转化技术,来对DNA进行修饰.利用本公司独创的化合物将DNA变性的同时进行亚硫酸氢盐转化操作.整个操作过程的时间被缩短到30分钟.并且,本试剂盒减少了90%的DNA损失,把样品中所有的胞嘧啶转换成尿嘧啶.传统方法在亚硫酸氢钠DNA转换步骤之前要单独的变性步骤,而BisulFlash技术中,DNA在整个亚硫酸氢钠转换过程中一直是维持在变性状态的.这个创造性的突破使本技术处理过程比其它试剂盒更加快速高效也更精确.我们在此基础上继续创新,鉴别了亚硫酸氢钠转换实验中关键性的四个组分,创造了新型的BisulFlash试剂盒。作为新一代的亚硫酸氢盐转换工具,BisulFlash DNA修饰试剂盒提供了最优化的缓冲液配方和试剂,能对DNA样品进行超快速的亚硫酸氢盐转换处理.利用试剂盒中即时可用的转换混合溶液,能在整个实验中一直维持DNA的变性状态.作为本公司的专利溶液,它能使亚硫酸氢钠快速地地所有胞嘧啶转换为尿嘧啶.混合溶液中含本公司特有的DNA保护剂,能阻止亚硫酸氢盐处理过程中DNA的化学和热降解.无毒的已修饰DNA俘获缓冲液能将DNA牢牢的结合在柱子的滤膜上,这样就能放心地洗涤DNA上的亚硫酸氢钠和盐离子.被修饰的DNA随后可以被洗脱下来,储存在-20℃两个月以上. 该BisulFlash DNA甲基化修饰试剂盒内主要产品组份包括:BF1 (conversion mix solution) BF2 (capture solution) BF3 (desulfonation solution) BF4 (elution solution) BF5 (conversion enhancer) BF6 (denaturation enhancer) F-spin columns F-collection tubes 用户指南手册
2、臻于完美的DNA转换效果:试剂盒每次转换反应可以转换0、2 ng 1 ug的 DNA.为了达到最优的转换效果,最好是限制在200-500 ng的范围.运用创新的方法和即时可用的专利DNA转换混合溶液使得转换反应可以在DNA变性的状态下进行,能将所有的胞嘧啶转换成尿嘧啶(>99、999%),而5-甲基胞嘧啶则不受影响.实时PCR扩增被转换的DNA获得的低CT值证明了这种高效率(图、2).完美的转换效率可以为随后的分析提供可靠和可重复的保障,是市场上其它同类试剂盒无法达到的.3、强大的DNA保护:转换混合液中添加了DNA保护剂,可以阻止亚硫酸氢盐处理和变性过程中DNA的化学和热降解,使DNA一直处在稳定的变性状态,维持单链结构,为转换所有的胞嘧啶提供条件.阻止DNA降解使我们能够进行随后的扩增反应和分析大PCR片段.结合高效的DNA洗涤溶液和洗脱缓冲液,获得的转换DNA经长期储存(>6个月)和多次冻融不影响其质量。
The BisulFlash™ DNA Modification Kit is a complete set of optimized buffers and reagents to perform DNA modification using an expedited DNA bisulfite conversion technology developed by Epigentek, geared specifically for methylation-specific PCR (MSP) as well as post-bisulfite based NGS applications. Through a proprietary composition which allows DNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion to be processed at the same time, the complete procedure is reduced to only 30 minutes. Furthermore, it prevents more than 90% of DNA loss, completely converting unmethylated cytosine into uracil. Perfecting Bisulfite Conversion Traditional methods involve a separate denaturation step followed by a subsequent sodium bisulfite DNA conversion step -- but with the BisulFlash™ method, DNA denaturation status is concurrently sustained throughout the entire DNA bisulfite conversion process. This breakthrough approach enables the DNA conversion process to be significantly faster with higher conversion efficiency and accuracy. We continue to innovate with the development of the new BisulFlash™ kit by identifying four critical components of bisulfite conversion:
The convenient ready-to-use, DNA conversion mix solution and single temperature incubation along with the features mentioned above allow for true perfection in bisulfite conversion. The BisulFlash™ DNA Modification Kit is suitable for MS-PCR/MSP and real time MSP. Bisulfite Sequencing Option
Comparative Overview of Commercial Kits |
Product Citations
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