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货号:EKBD-100    品牌:BioAssay Systems


名称:EnzyChrom™ Ketone Body Assay Kit 酮体测试盒
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BioAssay SystemsEKBD-100

EnzyChrom™ Ketone Body Assay Kit






  • For quantitative determination of ketone body (acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate) and evaluation of drug effects on its metabolism.

Key Features

  • Sensitive and accurate. Uses 10 μL sample. Linear detection range of 0.12 to 8 mM for each ketone body in 96-well plate assay.
  • Convenient. The procedure involves adding a single working reagent, and reading the optical density at room temperature.
  • High-throughput. Can be automated as a high-throughput 96-well plate assay for many samples per day.


  •  OD340nm


  •  Serum, plasma, urine etc


  •  All


  •  200 tests

Detection Limit

  •  0.12 mM

Shelf Life

  •  6 months

More Details

  •  Ketone bodies (acetoacetic acid and 3-hydroxybutyric acid) are produced in the liver mainly from oxidation of fatty acids, and are normally present at low concentrations in urine and blood. Increased ketone concentrations in the blood may lead to metabolic acidosis, which has been associated with diabetes, childhood hypo-glycaemia, growth hormone deficiency, alcohol or salicylate intoxication and inborn errors of metabolism. Simple, direct and automation-ready procedures for measuring acetoacetic acid (AcAc) and 3-hydroxybutyric acid (BOH) are very desirable. BioAssay Systems EnzyChrom™ ketone body assay is based on 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase catalyzed reactions, in which the change in NADH absorbance, measured at 340nm, is directly related to the AcAc and BOH concentrations,


Cui, A., Fan, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Niu, D., Liu, S. & Liu, Y. (2019). Dexamethasone-induced Kruppel-like factor 9 expression promotes hepatic gluconeogenesis and hyperglycemia. The Journal of clinical investigation 130:2266-2278. Assay: Ketone body in mice serum.

Saito, T., Kuma, A., Sugiura, Y., Ichimura, Y., Obata, M., Kitamura, H. & Saito, I. (2019). Autophagy regulates lipid metabolism through selective turnover of NCoR1. Nature communications 10(1):1567. Assay: Ketone body in mice plasma.

Herrick, K. J., Hippen, A. R., Kalscheur, K. F., Schingoethe, D. J., Ranathunga, S. D., Anderson, J. L. & Van Eys, J. E. (2018). Infusion of butyrate affects plasma glucose, butyrate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate but not plasma insulin in lactating dairy cows. Journal of dairy science, 101(4), 3524-3536. Assay: Ketone body in cow plasma.

Iso, T., Haruyama, H., Sunaga, H., Matsui, H., Matsui, M., Tanaka, R. & Hanaoka, H. (2018). CD36 is indispensable for nutrient homeostasis and endurance exercise capacity during prolonged fasting. Physiological reports, 6(19), e13884. Assay: Ketone body in mice serum.

Lyons, K. (2018). Physiological consequences of environmental contamination in an elasmobranch with matrotrophic histotrophy, the Round Stingray (Urobatis halleri). Assay: Ketone body in stingrays plasma.

Bisgaier, Charles L., and Daniela Carmen Oniciu (2017). Treatment of NASH with gemcabene. U.S. Patent No. 9,849,104 Assay: Ketone body in mice plasma.

Goossens, C., Marques, M. B., Derde, S., Vander Perre, S., Dufour, T., Thiessen, S. E. & De Bock, K. (2017). Premorbid obesity, but not nutrition, prevents critical illness-induced muscle wasting and weakness. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle, 8(1), 89-101. Assay: Ketone body in mice serum.

Herrick, K. J., Hippen, A. R., Kalscheur, K. F., Schingoethe, D. J., Casper, D. P., Moreland, S. C., & Van Eys, J. E. (2017). Single-dose infusion of sodium butyrate, but not lactose, increases plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate and insulin in lactating dairy cows. Journal of dairy science, 100(1), 757-768. Assay: Ketone body in cow plasma.

Driver, C. (2016). Metformin does not prevent glucose intolerance but improves renal function and reduces oxidative stress in type 1 diabetes (Doctoral dissertation). Assay: Ketone body in rat serum and urine.

Murunga, A. N., Miruka, D. O., Driver, C., Nkomo, F. S., Cobongela, S. Z., & Owira, P. M. (2016). Grapefruit derived flavonoid naringin improves ketoacidosis and lipid peroxidation in type 1 diabetes rat model. PloS one, 11(4), e0153241. Assay: Ketone body in rat serum and urine.

Neondo, M. A. (2016). The effects of naringin on glucose tolerance and ketoacidosis in type 1 diabetes (Doctoral dissertation). Assay: Ketone body in rat serum and urine.

Syamsunarno, MRAA et al (2014). Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 and 5 Play a Crucial Role in Thermogenesis under the Conditions of Fasting and Cold Stress. PloS one 9.3: e90825. Assay: Ketone body in mouse serum.

Fujieda, Y et al (2013). Inflammation and Resolution Are Associated with Upregulation of Fatty Acid beta-Oxidation in Zymosan-Induced Peritonitis. PloS one 8.6: e66270. Assay: Ketone body in mouse liver tissue.

Martin-Murphy, BV et al (2013). Increased susceptibility of natural killer T-cell-deficient mice to acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Hepatology 57.4: 1575-1584. Assay: Ketone body in mouse serum.

Syamsunarno, MRAA et al (2013). A Critical Role of Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 and 5 (FABP4/5) in the Systemic Response to Fasting. PloS one 8.11: e79386. Assay: Ketone body in mouse serum.

Qi S et al (2012). Comparison of the metabolic profiling of hepatitis B virus-infected cirrhosis and alcoholic cirrhosis patients by using (1) H NMR-based metabonomics. Hepatol Res 42(7):677-85. Assay: Ketone body in human serum.

Klusonova P et al (2011) Local metabolism of glucocorticoids in Prague hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats--effect of hypertriglyceridemia and gender. Steroids 76(12):1252-9. Assay: Ketone Body in rat Hepatocyte culture.

Sharma NS et al (2011). Metabolic profiling based quantitative evaluation of hepatocellular metabolism in presence of adipocyte derived extracellular matrix. PLoS One 6(5):e20137. Assay: Ketone body in rat hepatocyte culture.

Sharma NS et al (2011). Metabolic profiling based quantitative evaluation of hepatocellular metabolism in presence of adipocyte derived extracellular matrix. PLoS One 6(5):e20137. Assay: Ketone Body in human serum.