美国RayBiotech公司于2001年正式成立,由国际公认的蛋白芯片专家黄若磐教授一手创办,总部设在美国亚特兰大科技园。是世界上第一家专业从事蛋白芯片研发和生产的公司。RayBiotech公司致力于开发、研制、生产及销售以抗体芯片、ELISA/EIA、抗原抗体为主的酶免产品,不仅拥有强大的技术团队,其中40%博士及博士后学历,而且十分重视产品的科技创新,公司先后与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学等国际多家权威科研机构、院校紧密合作,将技术进行广泛应用。世界各国众多科学家使用了RayBiotech的抗体芯片等酶免产品已发表数千篇文献在Nature、Nature Medicine、Cell、PNAS、Lancet 等世界顶级期刊上。客户对RayBiotech芯片技术和产品的质量都给予了肯定和很高的评价。以抗体芯片生产为核心,RayBiotech公司将生产线扩大到ELISA/EIA、抗原抗体等数万种产品,涵盖了免疫学领域大多数主要产品种类。经过10余年的发展和品牌积累,RayBiotech已成为国际上公认的蛋白芯片的先驱企业,抗体及酶免产品专家。
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 | 目录价 | Product URL |
TFEM-NRF2-1 | Mouse NRF2 Transcription Factor Activity Assay | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-nrf2-transcription-factor-activity-assay/ |
ELMS-ACE-1 | Custom Mouse ACE SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ace-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-Adiponectin-1 | Custom Mouse Adiponectin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-adiponectin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-aFGF-1 | Custom Mouse aFGF SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-afgf-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-ANGPTL1-1 | Custom Mouse Angiopoietin-3 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-angiopoietin-3-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-AXL-1 | Custom Mouse AXL SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-axl-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-bIGH3-1 | Custom Mouse beta IG-H3 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-beta-ig-h3-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-BLC-1 | Custom Mouse BLC SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-blc-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-CC5a-1 | Custom Mouse C5a SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-c5a-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-CRP-1 | Custom Mouse CRP SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-crp-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-CXCL16-1 | Custom Mouse CXCL16 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cxcl16-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-CystatinC-1 | Custom Mouse Cystatin C SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cystatin-c-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-Decorin-1 | Custom Mouse Decorin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-decorin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-ECadherin-1 | Custom Mouse E-Cadherin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-e-cadherin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-EGF-1 | Custom Mouse EGF SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-egf-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-Eotaxin-1 | Custom Mouse Eotaxin-1 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-eotaxin-1-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-ESelectin-1 | Custom Mouse E-Selectin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-e-selectin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-FcgRIIB-1 | Custom Mouse Fc gamma RIIB SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fc-gamma-riib-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-GCSF-1 | Custom Mouse GCSF SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gcsf-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-gp130-1 | Custom Mouse gp130 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gp130-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-ICAM1-1 | Custom Mouse ICAM-1 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-icam-1-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGA-1 | Custom Mouse IgA SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-iga-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGF1-1 | Custom Mouse IGF-1 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igf-1-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGFBP3-1 | Custom Mouse IGFBP-3 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-3-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGFBP5-1 | Custom Mouse IGFBP-5 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-5-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGG1-1 | Custom Mouse IgG1 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg1-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGG2A-1 | Custom Mouse IgG2a SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg2a-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGG2B-1 | Custom Mouse IgG2b SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg2b-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IGM-1 | Custom Mouse IgM SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igm-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-IL6R-1 | Custom Mouse IL-6 R SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-6-r-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-Lipocalin2-1 | Custom Mouse Lipocalin-2 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lipocalin-2-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-MIP1g-1 | Custom Mouse MIP-1 gamma SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-1-gamma-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-MMP2-1 | Custom Mouse MMP-2 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mmp-2-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-MMP3-1 | Custom Mouse MMP-3 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mmp-3-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-OPG-1 | Custom Mouse Osteoprotegerin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-osteoprotegerin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-OPN-1 | Custom Mouse Osteopontin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-opn-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-Periostin-1 | Custom Mouse Periostin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-periostin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-PF4-1 | Custom Mouse Platelet Factor 4 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-platelet-factor-4-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-proMMP9-1 | Custom Mouse Pro-MMP-9 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pro-mmp-9-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-Pselectin-1 | Custom Mouse P-Selectin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-p-selectin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-Resistin-1 | Custom Mouse Resistin SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-resistin-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-TCK1-1 | Custom Mouse TCK-1 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tck-1-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-TIMP1-1 | Custom Mouse TIMP-1 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-1-speedelisa/ |
ELMS-VCAM1-1 | Custom Mouse VCAM-1 SpeedELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vcam-1-speedelisa/ |
ELM-41BB-1 | Mouse 4-1BB ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-4-1bb-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-5NTE-1 | Mouse 5'-Nucleotidase/CD73 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-5'-Nucleotidase-ELISA/ |
ELM-6Ckine-1 | Mouse 6Ckine ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-6ckine-ccl21-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-A33-1 | Custom Mouse A33 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-A33-ELISA/ |
ELM-ACE-1 | Mouse ACE ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ace-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-ACE2-1 | Custom Mouse ACE-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ACE-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-Ache-1 | Custom Mouse ACHE ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ACHE-ELISA/ |
ELM-ACPP-1 | Custom Mouse ACPP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ACPP-ELISA/ |
ELM-ActivinA-1 | Mouse Activin A ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Activin-A-ELISA/ |
ELM-ACVR1B-1 | Custom Mouse Activin RIB/ALK-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Activin-RIB-ELISA/ |
ELM-ACVR2B-1 | Custom Mouse ACVR2B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ACVR2B-ELISA/ |
ELM-ACY1-1 | Custom Mouse Aminoacylase/ACY1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Aminoacylase-ELISA/ |
ELM-ADAM15-1 | Custom Mouse ADAM15 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ADAM15-ELISA/ |
ELM-ADAM9-1 | Custom Mouse ADAM9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ADAM9-ELISA/ |
ELM-ADAMTS1-1 | Mouse ADAMTS1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-adamts1-elisa/ |
ELM-Adiponectin-1 | Mouse Adiponectin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-adiponectin-elisa/ |
ELM-aFGF-1 | Mouse aFGF ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-afgf-elisa/ |
ELM-AFP-1 | Custom Mouse alpha -Fetoprotein/AFP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-alpha--Fetoprotein-ELISA/ |
ELM-AGER-1 | Custom Mouse AGER ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-AGER-ELISA/ |
ELM-AGT-1 | Custom Mouse AGT ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-AGT-ELISA/ |
ELM-AIMP1-1 | Custom Mouse AIMP1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-AIMP1-ELISA/ |
ELM-AKT3-1 | Custom Mouse AKT3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-AKT3-ELISA/ |
ELM-ALCAM-1 | Custom Mouse ALCAM/CD166 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ALCAM-ELISA/ |
ELM-ALK1-1 | Mouse ALK-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-alk-1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-ALPL-1 | Custom Mouse Alkaline Phosphatase/ALPL ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Alkaline-Phosphatase-ELISA/ |
ELM-AMBN-1 | Custom Mouse Ameloblastin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ameloblastin-ELISA/ |
ELM-AMICA-1 | Custom Mouse AMICA/JAML ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-AMICA-ELISA/ |
ELM-ANGPT1-1 | Custom Mouse Angiopoietin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Angiopoietin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-ANGPT2-1 | Custom Mouse Angiopoietin-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Angiopoietin-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-ANGPTL1-1 | Mouse ANGPTL1/Angiopoietin-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ANGPTL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-ANGPTL3-1 | Mouse ANGPTL3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-angiopoietin-like-protein-3-angptl3-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-ANGPTL7-1 | Custom Mouse ANGPTL7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ANGPTL7-ELISA/ |
ELM-ANPEP-1 | Custom Mouse Aminopeptidase N/ANPEP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Aminopeptidase-N-ELISA/ |
ELM-APCS-1 | Custom Mouse APCS ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-APCS-ELISA/ |
ELM-APLP1-1 | Custom Mouse APLP-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-APLP-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-APOH-1 | Custom Mouse Apolipoprotein H/ApoH ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Apolipoprotein-H-ELISA/ |
ELM-AR-1 | Mouse AREG ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-amphiregulin-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-ARSA-1 | Custom Mouse ARSA ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ARSA-ELISA/ |
ELM-ARSG-1 | Custom Mouse Arylsulfatase G/ARSG ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Arylsulfatase-G-ELISA/ |
ELM-ART4-1 | Custom Mouse ART4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ART4-ELISA/ |
ELM-ARTN-1 | Custom Mouse Artemin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-artemin-elisa/ |
ELM-ARTS1-1 | Custom Mouse Aminopeptidase PILS/ARTS1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Aminopeptidase-PILS-ELISA/ |
ELM-ASAH2-1 | Custom Mouse ASAH2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ASAH2-ELISA/ |
ELM-ASAHL-1 | Custom Mouse ASAHL ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ASAHL-ELISA/ |
ELM-ASGR1-1 | Custom Mouse ASGR1/ASGPR1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ASGR1-ELISA/ |
ELM-ATVNC-1 | Custom Mouse Activin C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Activin-C-ELISA/ |
ELM-AXL-1 | Mouse Axl ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-axl-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-B2M-1 | Custom Mouse beta 2-Microglobulin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-beta-2-Microglobulin-ELISA/ |
ELM-B72-1 | Custom Mouse B7-2/CD86 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-B7-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-B7H1-1 | Custom Mouse PD-L1/B7-H1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PD-L1-ELISA/ |
ELM-B7H2-1 | Custom Mouse B7-H2/ICOS Ligand ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-B7-H2-ELISA/ |
ELM-B7H3-1 | Custom Mouse B7-H3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-B7-H3-ELISA/ |
ELM-B7H4-1 | Custom Mouse B7-H4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-B7-H4-ELISA/ |
ELM-BACE1-1 | Custom Mouse BACE-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BACE-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-BACE2-1 | Custom Mouse BACE-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BACE-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-BAD-1 | Custom Mouse BAD ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bad-elisa/ |
ELM-BAFF-1 | Custom Mouse BAFF/BLyS/TNFSF13B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BAFF-ELISA/ |
ELM-BAFFR-1 | Mouse BAFF R ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-baff-r-tnfrsf13c-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-BAMBI-1 | Custom Mouse BAMBI/NMA ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BAMBI-ELISA/ |
ELM-BCHE-1 | Custom Mouse BCHE ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BCHE-ELISA/ |
ELM-Bcl2-1 | Custom Mouse bcl-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-bcl-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-BCL2L1-1 | Custom Mouse BCL2L1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BCL2L1-ELISA/ |
ELM-BCLW-1 | Mouse BCL-W ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BCL-W-ELISA/ |
ELM-BCLXL-1 | Custom Mouse Bcl-xL ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Bcl-xL-ELISA/ |
ELM-BCMA-1 | Custom Mouse BCMA ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bcma-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-bFGF-1 | Mouse bFGF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bfgf-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-BID-1 | Mouse BID ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bid-elisa/ |
ELM-bIGH3-1 | Mouse BIGH3 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-beta-ig-h3-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-BLC-1 | Mouse BLC ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-blc-ccl13-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-BLMH-1 | Custom Mouse BLMH ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BLMH-ELISA/ |
ELM-BMP10-1 | Custom Mouse BMP-10 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BMP-10-ELISA/ |
ELM-BMP2-1 | Custom Mouse BMP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BMP-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-BMP4-1 | Custom Mouse BMP-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BMP-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-BMP5-1 | Custom Mouse BMP-5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BMP-5-ELISA/ |
ELM-BMP6-1 | Custom Mouse BMP-6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BMP-6-ELISA/ |
ELM-BMP7-1 | Mouse BMP-7 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bmp-7-elisa/ |
ELM-BMP9-1 | Mouse BMP-9 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bmp-9-elisa/ |
ELM-BMPR2-1 | Custom Mouse BMPR-II ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BMPR-II-ELISA/ |
ELM-bNGF-1 | Mouse beta-NGF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-beta-ngf-elisa/ |
ELM-BSSP4-1 | Mouse BSSP 4 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bssp-4-tryptase-epsilon-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-BTLA-1 | Custom Mouse BTLA/CD272 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BTLA-ELISA/ |
ELM-BTN1A1-1 | Custom Mouse BTN1A1/Butyrophilin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BTN1A1-ELISA/ |
ELM-C1QBP-1 | Custom Mouse C1QBP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-C1QBP-ELISA/ |
ELM-C1QR1-1 | Custom Mouse C1q R1/CD93 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-C1q-R1-ELISA/ |
ELM-C1RA-1 | Custom Mouse Complement Component C1ra ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Complement-Component-C1ra-ELISA/ |
ELM-C1S1-1 | Custom Mouse C1S1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-C1S1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CA10-1 | Custom Mouse CA10 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CA10-ELISA/ |
ELM-CA12-1 | Custom Mouse Carbonic Anhydrase XII/CA12 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carbonic-Anhydrase-XII-ELISA/ |
ELM-CA14-1 | Custom Mouse Carbonic Anhydrase XIV/CA14 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carbonic-Anhydrase-XIV-ELISA/ |
ELM-CA2-1 | Custom Mouse CA2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CA2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CA4-1 | Custom Mouse Carbonic Anhydrase IV/CA4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carbonic-Anhydrase-IV-ELISA/ |
ELM-CA8-1 | Custom Mouse CA8 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CA8-ELISA/ |
ELM-CA9-1 | Custom Mouse Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carbonic-Anhydrase-IX-ELISA/ |
ELM-CADM3-1 | Custom Mouse CADM3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CADM3-ELISA/ |
ELM-CAMK4-1 | Custom Mouse CAMK4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CAMK4-ELISA/ |
ELM-CCC5a-1 | Mouse C5a ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-complement-component-c5a-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CCL28-1 | Custom Mouse CCL28 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ccl28-elisa/ |
ELM-CCL6-1 | Mouse CCL6 ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ccl6-c10-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CD117-1 | Custom Mouse CD117/c-kit ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD117-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD14-1 | Custom Mouse CD14 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD14-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD147-1 | Custom Mouse EMMPRIN/CD147 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EMMPRIN-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD157-1 | Custom Mouse CD157 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD157-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD160-1 | Custom Mouse CD160 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD160-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD164-1 | Custom Mouse CD164 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD164-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD180-1 | Custom Mouse CD180 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD180-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD1D1-1 | Custom Mouse CD1d1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD1d1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD200-1 | Custom Mouse CD200 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD200-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD200R1-1 | Custom Mouse CD200 R1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD200-R1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD200R4-1 | Custom Mouse CD200R4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD200R4-ELISA/ |
ELM-Cd209a-1 | Custom Mouse DC-SIGN ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DC-SIGN-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD2-1 | Custom Mouse CD2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD229-1 | Custom Mouse CD229/SLAMF3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD229-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD244-1 | Custom Mouse 2B4/CD244/SLAMF4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-2B4-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD27-1 | Mouse CD27 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd27-elisa/ |
ELM-CD27L-1 | Custom Mouse CD27 L ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd27-ligand-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CD28-1 | Custom Mouse CD28 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD28-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD2F10-1 | Custom Mouse CD2F-10/SLAMF9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD2F-10-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD300B-1 | Custom Mouse CD300b/LMIR5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD300b-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD30-1 | Mouse CD30 ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd30-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-Cd302-1 | Custom Mouse CD302 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD302-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD30L-1 | Mouse CD30 L ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd30ligand-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CD31-1 | Custom Mouse CD31/PECAM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD31-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD320-1 | Custom Mouse CD320 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD320-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD34-1 | Custom Mouse CD34 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD34-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD36-1 | Mouse CD36 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd36-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CD38-1 | Custom Mouse CD38 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD38-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD39-1 | Custom Mouse CD39/ENTPD1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD39-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD39L3-1 | Custom Mouse CD39L3/ENTPD3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD39L3-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD40-1 | Mouse CD40 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd40-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CD40L-1 | Mouse CD40 Ligand ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD40-Ligand-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD4-1 | Custom Mouse CD4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD4-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD44-1 | Custom Mouse CD44 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD44-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD45-1 | Mouse CD45 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD45-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD47-1 | Custom Mouse CD47 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD47-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD48-1 | Custom Mouse CD48 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd48-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CD5-1 | Custom Mouse CD5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD5-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD53-1 | Custom Mouse CD53 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD53-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD55-1 | Custom Mouse CD55/DAF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD55-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD59A-1 | Custom Mouse CD59a/MAC-IP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD59a-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD5L-1 | Mouse CD5L ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD5L-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD6-1 | Custom Mouse CD6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd6-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CD69-1 | Custom Mouse CD69 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD69-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD7-1 | Custom Mouse CD7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD7-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD74-1 | Custom Mouse CD74 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD74-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD79B-1 | Custom Mouse CD79B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD79B-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD80-1 | Mouse CD80 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd80-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CD83-1 | Custom Mouse CD83 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD83-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD8A-1 | Custom Mouse CD8 alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD8-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD90-1 | Custom Mouse CD90/Thy1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD90-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD96-1 | Custom Mouse CD96 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD96-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD97-1 | Custom Mouse CD97 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD97-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD99-1 | Custom Mouse CD99 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD99-ELISA/ |
ELM-CD99L2-1 | Custom Mouse CD99-L2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CD99-L2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CDC37-1 | Custom Mouse CDC37 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CDC37-ELISA/ |
ELM-CDCP1-1 | Custom Mouse CDCP1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CDCP1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CDH13-1 | Custom Mouse Cadherin-13 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cadherin-13-ELISA/ |
ELM-CDH4-1 | Custom Mouse Cadherin-4/R-Cadherin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cadherin-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-CDH6-1 | Custom Mouse CDH6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CDH6-ELISA/ |
ELM-CDNF-1 | Custom Mouse CDNF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CDNF-ELISA/ |
ELM-CEACAM1-1 | Custom Mouse CEACAM-1/CD66a ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CEACAM-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CEL-1 | Custom Mouse CEL ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CEL-ELISA/ |
ELM-CER1-1 | Custom Mouse Cerberus 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cerberus-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CES1-1 | Custom Mouse Carboxylesterase 1/CES1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carboxylesterase-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CES2-1 | Custom Mouse Carboxylesterase 2/CES2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carboxylesterase-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-Ces5a-1 | Custom Mouse CES5A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CES5A-ELISA/ |
ELM-CFH-1 | Custom Mouse Complement Factor H ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Complement-Factor-H-ELISA/ |
ELM-Chemerin-1 | Custom Mouse Chemerin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-chemerin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CHI3L1-1 | Custom Mouse Chitinase 3-like 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Chitinase-3-like-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CHIT1-1 | Custom Mouse Chitotriosidase/CHIT1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Chitotriosidase-ELISA/ |
ELM-CHL1-1 | Custom Mouse CHL-1/L1CAM-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CHL-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-Chordin-1 | Mouse Chordin ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-chordin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CHRDL2-1 | Custom Mouse Chordin-like 2/CHRDL2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Chordin-like-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CHST3-1 | Custom Mouse CHST3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CHST3-ELISA/ |
ELM-CHST4-1 | Custom Mouse Carbohydrate Sulfotransferase 4/CHST4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carbohydrate-Sulfotransferase-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-CHST7-1 | Custom Mouse Carbohydrate Sulfotransferase 7/CHST7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carbohydrate-Sulfotransferase-7-ELISA/ |
ELM-cIAP2-1 | Custom Mouse cIAP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ciap-2-elisa/ |
ELM-CLEC14A-1 | Custom Mouse CLEC14A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CLEC14A-ELISA/ |
ELM-Clec3b-1 | Custom Mouse CLEC3B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CLEC3B-ELISA/ |
ELM-CLEC4F-1 | Custom Mouse CLEC4F/CLECSF13 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CLEC4F-ELISA/ |
ELM-CLEC5A-1 | Custom Mouse MDL-1/CLEC5A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MDL-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CLEC9A-1 | Custom Mouse CLEC9a ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CLEC9a-ELISA/ |
ELM-Clp1-1 | Custom Mouse Collectin-12 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Collectin-12-ELISA/ |
ELM-Clusterin-1 | Mouse Clusterin ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Clusterin-ELISA/ |
ELM-CMG2-1 | Custom Mouse CMG-2/ANTXR2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CMG-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNDP1-1 | Custom Mouse CNDP1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CNDP1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNDP2-1 | Custom Mouse CNDP2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CNDP2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNPY3-1 | Custom Mouse CNPY3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CNPY3-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNTF-1 | Custom Mouse CNTF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CNTF-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNTN1-1 | Custom Mouse CNTN1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CNTN1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNTN2-1 | Custom Mouse CNTN2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CNTN2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNTN4-1 | Custom Mouse Contactin-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Contactin-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNTN6-1 | Custom Mouse Contactin-6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Contactin-6-ELISA/ |
ELM-CNTNAP2-1 | Custom Mouse CNTNAP2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CNTNAP2-ELISA/ |
ELM-COAGFII-1 | Custom Mouse Coagulation Factor II/F2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Coagulation-Factor-II-ELISA/ |
ELM-CoagFIII-1 | Mouse Coagulation Factor III ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-coagulation-factor-iii-elisa/ |
ELM-COAGFIX-1 | Custom Mouse Coagulation Factor IX/F9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Coagulation-Factor-IX-ELISA/ |
ELM-COAGFVII-1 | Custom Mouse Coagulation Factor VII/F7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Coagulation-Factor-VII-ELISA/ |
ELM-COAGFXIV-1 | Custom Mouse Coagulation Factor XIV/Protein C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Coagulation-Factor-XIV-ELISA/ |
ELM-COCO-1 | Custom Mouse COCO ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-COCO-ELISA/ |
ELM-Colec11-1 | Custom Mouse COLEC11 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-COLEC11-ELISA/ |
ELM-COLEC12-1 | Custom Mouse CL-P1/COLEC12 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CL-P1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CPA1-1 | Custom Mouse Carboxypeptidase A1/CPA1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carboxypeptidase-A1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CPA2-1 | Custom Mouse CPA2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CPA2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CPB1-1 | Custom Mouse Carboxypeptidase B1/CPB1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Carboxypeptidase-B1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CPM-1 | Custom Mouse CPM ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CPM-ELISA/ |
ELM-Crabp2-1 | Custom Mouse CRABP2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CRABP2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CRACC-1 | Custom Mouse CRACC/SLAMF7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CRACC-ELISA/ |
ELM-CREG-1 | Custom Mouse CREG ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CREG-ELISA/ |
ELM-CRELD1-1 | Custom Mouse CRELD1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CRELD1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CRELD2-1 | Mouse CRELD2 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CRELD2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CRG2-1 | Mouse CRG-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-crg-2-cxcl10-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CRIPTO-1 | Custom Mouse Cripto ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cripto-ELISA/ |
ELM-CRISP4-1 | Custom Mouse CRISP-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CRISP-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-CRP-1 | Mouse CRP ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-crp-elisa/ |
ELM-CSNK2A1-1 | Custom Mouse CSNK2A1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CSNK2A1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CSRP1-1 | Custom Mouse CSRP1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CSRP1-ELISA/ |
ELM-CST7-1 | Custom Mouse CST7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CST7-ELISA/ |
ELM-CT1-1 | Mouse CT-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ct-1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CTACK-1 | Mouse CTACK ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ctack-ccl27-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CTF2-1 | Custom Mouse Neuropoietin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neuropoietin-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTLA4-1 | Mouse CTLA-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ctla-4-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CTSA-1 | Custom Mouse Cathepsin A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-A-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSB-1 | Custom Mouse Cathepsin B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-B-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSC-1 | Custom Mouse Cathepsin C/DPPI ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-C-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSD-1 | Custom Mouse Cathepsin D ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-D-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSE-1 | Mouse Cathepsin E ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-E-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSH-1 | Custom Mouse Cathepsin H ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-H-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSL-1 | Custom Mouse Cathepsin L ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-L-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSS-1 | Custom Mouse CTSS ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CTSS-ELISA/ |
ELM-CTSXZP-1 | Custom Mouse Cathepsin X/Z/P ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cathepsin-X/Z/P-ELISA/ |
ELM-CV2-1 | Custom Mouse Crossveinless-2/CV-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Crossveinless-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-CXADR-1 | Custom Mouse CXADR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CXADR-ELISA/ |
ELM-CXCL14-1 | Custom Mouse CXCL14/BRAK ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CXCL14-ELISA/ |
ELM-CXCL15-1 | Mouse CXCL15 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cxcl15-lungkine-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-CXCL16-1 | Mouse CXCL16 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cxcl16-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-CXCL17-1 | Mouse CXCL17/VCC-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CXCL17-ELISA/ |
ELM-CYSTATINB-1 | Custom Mouse Cystatin B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Cystatin-B-ELISA/ |
ELM-CystatinC-1 | Mouse Cystatin C ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cystatin-c-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-DAN-1 | Mouse DAN ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dan-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-DCC-1 | Custom Mouse DCC ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DCC-ELISA/ |
ELM-DCTRAILR1-1 | Custom Mouse DcTRAIL R1/TNFRSF23 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DcTRAIL-R1-ELISA/ |
ELM-DCTRAILR2-1 | Custom Mouse DcTRAIL R2/TNFRSF22 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DcTRAIL-R2-ELISA/ |
ELM-DDC-1 | Custom Mouse DDC ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DDC-ELISA/ |
ELM-DDR2-1 | Custom Mouse DDR2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DDR2-ELISA/ |
ELM-Decorin-1 | Mouse Decorin ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-decorin-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-DECTIN1-1 | Custom Mouse Dectin-1/CLEC7A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Dectin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-DECTIN2-1 | Custom Mouse Dectin-2/CLEC6A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Dectin-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-DKK1-1 | Mouse Dkk-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dkk-1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-DKK2-1 | Custom Mouse Dkk-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Dkk-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-DKK3-1 | Custom Mouse Dkk-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Dkk-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-DKK4-1 | Custom Mouse Dkk-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Dkk-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-DKKL1-1 | Custom Mouse Soggy-1/DkkL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Soggy-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-DLL1-1 | Custom Mouse DLL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DLL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-DLL4-1 | Mouse DLL4 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DLL4-ELISA/ |
ELM-DNAM1-1 | Custom Mouse DNAM-1/CD226 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DNAM-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-DNER-1 | Custom Mouse DNER ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DNER-ELISA/ |
ELM-DPP7-1 | Custom Mouse DPP7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DPP7-ELISA/ |
ELM-DPPIV-1 | Mouse DPPIV ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dppiv-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-DR3-1 | Custom Mouse DR3/TNFRSF25 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DR3-ELISA/ |
ELM-DR6-1 | Custom Mouse Death Receptor 6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-death-receptor-6-elisa/ |
ELM-DSPG3-1 | Custom Mouse DSPG3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-DSPG3-ELISA/ |
ELM-Dtk-1 | Mouse Dtk ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dtk-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-Ecadherin-1 | Mouse E-Cadherin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-e-cadherin-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-ECM1-1 | Custom Mouse ECM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ECM-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-EDAR-1 | Custom Mouse EDAR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-edar-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-EDN1-1 | Mouse Endothelin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Endothelin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-EFNA1-1 | Custom Mouse Ephrin-A1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ephrin-A1-ELISA/ |
ELM-EFNA2-1 | Custom Mouse Ephrin-A2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ephrin-A2-ELISA/ |
ELM-EFNA3-1 | Custom Mouse EFNA3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EFNA3-ELISA/ |
ELM-EFNA4-1 | Custom Mouse Ephrin-A4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ephrin-A4-ELISA/ |
ELM-EFNA5-1 | Custom Mouse EFNA5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EFNA5-ELISA/ |
ELM-EFNB1-1 | Custom Mouse Ephrin-B1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ephrin-B1-ELISA/ |
ELM-EFNB2-1 | Custom Mouse Ephrin-B2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ephrin-B2-ELISA/ |
ELM-EGF-1 | Mouse EGF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-egf-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-EGFL6-1 | Custom Mouse EGFL6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EGFL6-ELISA/ |
ELM-EGFR-1 | Mouse EGFR/ErbB1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EGFR-ELISA/ |
ELM-EGVEGF-1 | Custom Mouse EG-VEGF/PK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EG-VEGF-ELISA/ |
ELM-ELA2-1 | Custom Mouse Neutrophil Elastase/ELA2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neutrophil-Elastase-ELISA/ |
ELM-Endocan-1 | Mouse Endocan ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-endocan-esm-1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-Endostatin-1 | Mouse Endostatin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-endostatin-elisa/ |
ELM-ENG-1 | Mouse Endoglin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-endoglin-elisa/ |
ELM-ENPP2-1 | Custom Mouse ENPP2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ENPP2-ELISA/ |
ELM-ENPP7-1 | Custom Mouse ENPP-7/Alk-SMase ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ENPP-7-ELISA/ |
ELM-Eotaxin-1 | Mouse Eotaxin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-eotaxin-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-Eotaxin2-1 | Mouse Eotaxin-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-eotaxin-2-elisa-kit-available-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-EPCAM-1 | Custom Mouse EpCAM/TROP-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EpCAM-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPCR-1 | Custom Mouse EPCR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EPCR-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA1-1 | Custom Mouse EphA1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA1-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA2-1 | Custom Mouse EphA2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA2-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA3-1 | Custom Mouse EphA3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA3-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA4-1 | Custom Mouse EphA4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA4-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA5-1 | Custom Mouse EphA5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA5-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA6-1 | Custom Mouse EphA6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA6-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA7-1 | Custom Mouse EphA7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA7-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHA8-1 | Custom Mouse EphA8 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphA8-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHB2-1 | Custom Mouse EphB2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphB2-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHB3-1 | Custom Mouse EphB3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphB3-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHB4-1 | Custom Mouse EphB4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphB4-ELISA/ |
ELM-EPHB6-1 | Custom Mouse EphB6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-EphB6-ELISA/ |
ELM-Epigen-1 | Mouse Epigen ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Epigen-ELISA/ |
ELM-Epiregulin-1 | Mouse Epiregulin ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-epiregulin-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-EPO-1 | Mouse EPO ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-erythropoietin-elisa/ |
ELM-EPOR-1 | Custom Mouse Erythropoietin R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Erythropoietin-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-ERBB2-1 | Custom Mouse ERBB2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ERBB2-ELISA/ |
ELM-ERBB3-1 | Custom Mouse ErbB3/Her3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ErbB3-ELISA/ |
ELM-ESAM-1 | Mouse ESAM ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ESAM-ELISA/ |
ELM-ESelectin-1 | Mouse E-Selectin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-e-selectin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-EXTL2-1 | Custom Mouse Exostosin-like 2/EXTL2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Exostosin-like-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-FABP4-1 | Mouse FABP4/A-FABP ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FABP4-ELISA/ |
ELM-FAM3C-1 | Custom Mouse FAM3C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FAM3C-ELISA/ |
ELM-Fas-1 | Mouse FAS/TNFRSF6/Apo-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FAS-ELISA/ |
ELM-FasL-1 | Mouse Fas L ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fasligand-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-FCER2-1 | Custom Mouse FCER2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FCER2-ELISA/ |
ELM-FCGR1-1 | Custom Mouse Fc gamma RI/CD64 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Fc-gamma-RI-ELISA/ |
ELM-FCGR3-1 | Custom Mouse Fc gamma RIII/CD16 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Fc-gamma-RIII-ELISA/ |
ELM-FCGR4-1 | Custom Mouse FCGR4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FCGR4-ELISA/ |
ELM-FcgRIIB-1 | Mouse Fc-gamma-RIIb ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fc-gamma-riib-elisa/ |
ELM-FCGRT-1 | Custom Mouse FCRN ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FCRN-ELISA/ |
ELM-FCRL1-1 | Custom Mouse FCRL1/FcRH1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FCRL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-FCRL5-1 | Custom Mouse FCRL5/FcRH5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FCRL5-ELISA/ |
ELM-FDPS-1 | Custom Mouse FDPS ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FDPS-ELISA/ |
ELM-FETUB-1 | Custom Mouse FETUB ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FETUB-ELISA/ |
ELM-FetuinA-1 | Mouse Fetuin A ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fetuin-a-ahsg-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-FGF10-1 | Custom Mouse FGF-10 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-10-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGF21-1 | Custom Mouse FGF-21 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-21-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGF23-1 | Custom Mouse FGF-23 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-23-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGF4-1 | Custom Mouse FGF-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGF6-1 | Custom Mouse FGF-6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-6-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGF7-1 | Mouse FGF-7 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fgf-7-elisa/ |
ELM-FGF8-1 | Custom Mouse FGF-8 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-8-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGFR2-1 | Custom Mouse FGFR2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGFR2-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGFR3-1 | Custom Mouse FGF R3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-R3-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGFR4-1 | Custom Mouse FGF R4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-R4-ELISA/ |
ELM-FGFR5-1 | Custom Mouse FGF R5/FGFRL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FGF-R5-ELISA/ |
ELM-FLRG-1 | Custom Mouse Follistatin-related Gene Protein/FLRG ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Follistatin-related-Gene-Protein-ELISA/ |
ELM-FLRT2-1 | Custom Mouse FLRT2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FLRT2-ELISA/ |
ELM-FLT3-1 | Custom Mouse Flt-3/Flk-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Flt-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-Flt3L-1 | Mouse Flt-3L ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-flt-3-ligand-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-FOLR1-1 | Custom Mouse FOLR1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-FOLR1-ELISA/ |
ELM-Fractalkine-1 | Mouse Fractalkine ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fractalkine-cx3cl1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-FST-1 | Mouse Follistatin ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Follistatin-ELISA/ |
ELM-FSTL1-1 | Mouse Follistatin-like 1/FSTL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Follistatin-like-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-FZD1-1 | Custom Mouse Frizzled-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Frizzled-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-FZD2-1 | Custom Mouse Frizzled-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Frizzled-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-FZD4-1 | Custom Mouse Frizzled-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Frizzled-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-FZD9-1 | Custom Mouse Frizzled-9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Frizzled-9-ELISA/ |
ELM-Galectin1-1 | Mouse Galectin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-galectin-1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-GALECTIN2-1 | Custom Mouse Galectin-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Galectin-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-Galectin3-1 | Mouse Galectin-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-galectin-3-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-GALECTIN4-1 | Custom Mouse Galectin-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Galectin-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-Galectin7-1 | Mouse Galectin-7 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-galectin-7-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-GALECTIN9-1 | Mouse Galectin-9 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Galectin-9-ELISA/ |
ELM-GAPDH-1 | Custom Mouse GAPDH ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GAPDH-ELISA/ |
ELM-GAS6-1 | Mouse GAS6 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-growth-arrest-specific-6-gas6-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-GCSF-1 | Mouse G-CSF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-g-csf-csf3-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-GCSFR-1 | Custom Mouse G-CSF R/CD114 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-G-CSF-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-GDF11-1 | Custom Mouse GDF-11/BMP-11 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GDF-11-ELISA/ |
ELM-GDF3-1 | Custom Mouse GDF-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GDF-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-GDF5-1 | Custom Mouse GDF-5/BMP-14 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GDF-5-ELISA/ |
ELM-GDF7-1 | Custom Mouse GDF-7/BMP-12 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GDF-7-ELISA/ |
ELM-GDF8-1 | Custom Mouse GDF-8/Myostatin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GDF-8-ELISA/ |
ELM-GDF9-1 | Custom Mouse GDF-9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GDF-9-ELISA/ |
ELM-GFRA1-1 | Custom Mouse GFRA1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GFRA1-ELISA/ |
ELM-GFRA2-1 | Custom Mouse GFR alpha -2/GDNF R alpha -2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GFR-alpha--2-ELISA/ |
ELM-GFRA3-1 | Custom Mouse GFR alpha-3/GDNF R alpha-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GFR-alpha-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-GHR-1 | Custom Mouse Growth Hormone R/GHR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Growth-Hormone-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-GITR-1 | Custom Mouse GITR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gitr-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-GITRL-1 | Mouse GITR L ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gitr-ligand-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-GLA-1 | Custom Mouse GLA ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GLA-ELISA/ |
ELM-GMCSF-1 | Mouse GM-CSF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-granulocye-macrophage-colony-stimulating-factor-gm-csf-csf2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-gp130-1 | Mouse gp130 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gp130-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-GP5-1 | Custom Mouse Glycoprotein V/CD42d ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Glycoprotein-V-ELISA/ |
ELM-GP6-1 | Custom Mouse GPVI ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GPVI-ELISA/ |
ELM-GPC2-1 | Custom Mouse Glypican 2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Glypican-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-GPC5-1 | Custom Mouse Glypican 5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Glypican-5-ELISA/ |
ELM-GranzymeB-1 | Mouse Granzyme B ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-granzyme-b-elisa/ |
ELM-GREM1-1 | Mouse Gremlin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gremlin-1-elisa/ |
ELM-Gsk3b-1 | Custom Mouse GSK-3 beta ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-GSK-3-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-GZMG-1 | Custom Mouse Granzyme G ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Granzyme-G-ELISA/ |
ELM-H60-1 | Mouse H60 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-h60-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-HAI1-1 | Mouse HAI-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hai-1-elisa/ |
ELM-HAI2-1 | Custom Mouse HAI-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HAI-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-HDAC8-1 | Custom Mouse Histone Deacetylase 8/HDAC8 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Histone-Deacetylase-8-ELISA/ |
ELM-HGF-1 | Mouse HGF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hgf-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-HGF-CL-1 | Mouse HGF ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hgf-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-HGFR-1 | Mouse HGFR/MET ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HGFR-ELISA/ |
ELM-HIN1-1 | Custom Mouse HIN-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HIN-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-HIP-1 | Custom Mouse Hip ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Hip-ELISA/ |
ELM-HPGD-1 | Custom Mouse HPGD ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HPGD-ELISA/ |
ELM-HPRG-1 | Custom Mouse HPRG ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HPRG-ELISA/ |
ELM-HPX-1 | Custom Mouse HPX ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HPX-ELISA/ |
ELM-HS6ST3-1 | Custom Mouse Heparan Sulfate 6-O-Sulfotransferase 3/HS6ST3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Heparan-Sulfate-6-O-Sulfotransferase-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-HSP27-1 | Mouse HSP27 ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HSP27-ELISA/ |
ELM-HSP70-1 | Custom Mouse Heat Shock Protein 70 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-heat-shock-protein-70-elisa/ |
ELM-Hspd1-1 | Custom Mouse HSPD1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HSPD1-ELISA/ |
ELM-HVEM-1 | Custom Mouse HVEM/TNFRSF14 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HVEM-ELISA/ |
ELM-ICAM1-1 | Mouse ICAM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-icam-1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-ICAM5-1 | Custom Mouse ICAM-5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ICAM-5-ELISA/ |
ELM-ICOS-1 | Custom Mouse ICOS ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ICOS-ELISA/ |
ELM-IDS-1 | Custom Mouse Iduronate 2-Sulfatase/IDS ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Iduronate-2-Sulfatase-ELISA/ |
ELM-Ifna1-1 | Custom Mouse IFN alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IFN-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IFNA2-1 | Custom Mouse IFNA2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IFNA2-ELISA/ |
ELM-IFNA5-1 | Custom Mouse IFNA5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IFNA5-ELISA/ |
ELM-IFNABR2-1 | Mouse IFN-alpha/beta R2 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IFN-alpha/beta-R2-ELISA/ |
ELM-IFNAR1-1 | Custom Mouse IFNAR1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IFNAR1-ELISA/ |
ELM-IFNB1-1 | Mouse IFN-beta ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IFN-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-IFNg-1 | Mouse IFN-gamma ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ifn-gamma-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IFNg-CL-1 | Mouse IFN-gamma ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ifn-gamma-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-IFNgR1-1 | Mouse IFN-gamma R1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ifn-gamma-r1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IFNGR2-1 | Custom Mouse IFN-gamma R2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IFN-gamma-R2-ELISA/ |
ELM-Ifnl2-1 | Custom Mouse IL-28A/IFN-lambda 2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-28A-ELISA/ |
ELM-IGA-1 | Mouse IgA ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-iga-elisa/ |
ELM-IgE-1 | Mouse IgE ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ige-elisa/ |
ELM-IGF1-1 | Mouse IGF-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igf-i-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IGF1R-1 | Custom Mouse IGF-1R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igf-1r-elisa/ |
ELM-IGF2-1 | Mouse IGF-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igf-ii-elisa-kit-for-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IGFBP1-1 | Custom Mouse IGFBP-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IGFBP-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-IGFBP2-1 | Mouse IGFBP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IGFBP3-1 | Mouse IGFBP-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-3-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-Igfbp4-1 | Custom Mouse IGFBP-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IGFBP-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-IGFBP5-1 | Mouse IGFBP-5 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-5-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IGFBP6-1 | Mouse IGFBP-6 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-6-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IGFBPL1-1 | Custom Mouse IGFBP-L1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IGFBP-L1-ELISA/ |
ELM-IGFBPRP1-1 | Mouse IGFBP-rp1/IGFBP-7 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IGFBP-rp1-ELISA/ |
ELM-IGG1-1 | Mouse IgG1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg1-elisa/ |
ELM-IGG2A-1 | Mouse IgG2A ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg2a-elisa/ |
ELM-IGG2B-1 | Mouse IgG2b ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg2b-elisa/ |
ELM-IGG3-1 | Mouse IgG3 ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IgG3-ELISA/ |
ELM-IgM-1 | Mouse IgM ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igm-elisa/ |
ELM-IGSF4A-1 | Custom Mouse IGSF4A/SynCAM1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IGSF4A-ELISA/ |
ELM-IGSF8-1 | Custom Mouse IGSF8/CD316 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IGSF8-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL10-1 | Mouse IL-10 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-10-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL10RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-10 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-10-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL10RB-1 | Custom Mouse IL-10 R beta ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-10-R-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL11-1 | Mouse IL-11 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-11-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL11RA1-1 | Custom Mouse IL-11 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-11-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-Il12a-1 | Custom Mouse IL-12 p70 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-12-p70-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL12P40P70-1 | Mouse IL-12 p40/70 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-12-p40-70-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL12RB1-1 | Custom Mouse IL-12 R beta 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-12-R-beta-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL12RB2-1 | Custom Mouse IL12RB2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL12RB2-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL13-1 | Mouse IL-13 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-13-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL13RA1-1 | Custom Mouse IL-13 R alpha 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-13-R-alpha-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL13RA2-1 | Custom Mouse IL-13 R alpha 2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-13-R-alpha-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL15-1 | Mouse IL-15 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-15-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL15RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-15 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-15-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL16-1 | Custom Mouse IL-16 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-16-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL17-1 | Mouse IL-17A ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17-il-17a-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL17B-1 | Mouse IL-17B ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17b-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL17BR-1 | Mouse IL-17BR ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17-br-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL17C-1 | Custom Mouse IL-17C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-17C-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL17D-1 | Custom Mouse IL-17D ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-17D-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL17E-1 | Mouse IL-17 E ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17-e-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL17F-1 | Custom Mouse IL-17F ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-interleukin-17f-elisa/ |
ELM-IL17RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-17 RA/IL-17 R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-17-RA-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL17RC-1 | Custom Mouse IL-17 RC ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-17-RC-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL17RD-1 | Custom Mouse IL-17 RD/SEF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-17-RD-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL18-1 | Mouse IL-18 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-interleukin-18-elisa/ |
ELM-IL18BPC-1 | Mouse IL-18 BPc ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-18-BPc-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL18RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-18 R alpha/IL-1 R5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-18-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL18RAB-1 | Custom Mouse IL-18 R beta/IL-1 R7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-18-R-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL1a-1 | Mouse IL-1 alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-1-alpha-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL1b-1 | Mouse IL-1 beta ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-1-beta-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL1b-CL-1 | Mouse IL-1 beta ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-1-beta-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-IL1R1-1 | Custom Mouse IL-1 RI ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-1-RI-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL1R2-1 | Custom Mouse IL-1 RII ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-1-RII-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL1ra-1 | Mouse IL-1 RA ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-1ra-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL1RRP2-1 | Custom Mouse IL-1 Rrp2/IL-1 R6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-1-Rrp2-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL20-1 | Mouse IL-20 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-interleukin-20-elisa/ |
ELM-IL20RB-1 | Mouse IL-20 R beta ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-20-R-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL2-1 | Mouse IL-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL21-1 | Mouse IL-21 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-21-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL21R-1 | Custom Mouse IL-21 R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-21-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL22-1 | Mouse IL-22 ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-22-elisa/ |
ELM-IL22RA1-1 | Custom Mouse IL-22 R alpha 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-22-R-alpha-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL23-1 | Custom Mouse IL23 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL23-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL23p19-1 | Mouse IL-23 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-23p19-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL23R-1 | Custom Mouse IL-23 R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-23-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL27P28-1 | Custom Mouse IL-27 p28/IL-30 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-27-p28-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL27RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-27 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-27-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL28-1 | Mouse IL-28A/B ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-28-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL28B-1 | Custom Mouse IL-28B/IFN-lambda 3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-28B-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL2Ra-1 | Mouse IL-2 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-2-r-alpha-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL2RG-1 | Custom Mouse Common gamma Chain/IL-2 R gamma ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Common-gamma-Chain-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL3-1 | Mouse IL-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-3-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL31-1 | Custom Mouse IL-31 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-31-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL33-1 | Mouse IL-33 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-33-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL34-1 | Custom Mouse IL-34 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-34-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL36A-1 | Custom Mouse IL-36 alpha/IL-1F6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-36-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL36B-1 | Mouse IL-36 beta/IL-1F8 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-36-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL36G-1 | Mouse IL36G ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL36G-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL3RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-3 R alpha/CD123 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-3-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL3Rb-1 | Custom Mouse IL-3 R beta ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-3-r-beta-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL4-1 | Mouse IL-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-4-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL4-CL-1 | Mouse IL-4 ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-4-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-IL4RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-4 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-4-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL5-1 | Mouse IL-5 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-5-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL5RA-1 | Custom Mouse IL-5 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-IL-5-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-IL6-1 | Mouse IL-6 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-6-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL6-CL-1 | Mouse IL-6 ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-6-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-IL6R-1 | Mouse IL-6 R ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-6-r-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL7-1 | Mouse IL-7 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-7-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-IL7Ra-1 | Custom Mouse IL-7 R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-7-r-alpha-cd127-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-IL9-1 | Mouse IL-9 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-9-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-Insulin-1 | Mouse Insulin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-insulin-elisa/ |
ELM-ITAC-1 | Mouse I-TAC ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-i-tac-cxcl11-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-JAMA-1 | Mouse JAMA ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-jam-a-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-JAMB-1 | Custom Mouse JAM-B/VE-JAM ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-JAM-B-ELISA/ |
ELM-JAMC-1 | Custom Mouse JAM-C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-JAM-C-ELISA/ |
ELM-JNK1-1 | Custom Mouse JNK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-JNK1-ELISA/ |
ELM-JPT1-1 | Custom Mouse HN1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-HN1-ELISA/ |
ELM-KC-1 | Mouse KC ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-kc-cxcl1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-KIRREL2-1 | Custom Mouse Kirrel2/NEPH3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Kirrel2-ELISA/ |
ELM-KIRREL3-1 | Custom Mouse KIRREL3/NEPH2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-KIRREL3-ELISA/ |
ELM-KLB-1 | Custom Mouse Klotho beta ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Klotho-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-KLK1-1 | Custom Mouse KLK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-KLK1-ELISA/ |
ELM-KLK7-1 | Custom Mouse Kallikrein 7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Kallikrein-7-ELISA/ |
ELM-KLKB1-1 | Custom Mouse KLKB1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-KLKB1-ELISA/ |
ELM-KLRB1A-1 | Custom Mouse KLRB1A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-KLRB1A-ELISA/ |
ELM-KLRC1-1 | Custom Mouse KLRC1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-KLRC1-ELISA/ |
ELM-KNG1-1 | Custom Mouse Kininogen-1/Kng1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Kininogen-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-Kremen1-1 | Custom Mouse Kremen-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-kremen-1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-KREMEN2-1 | Custom Mouse Kremen-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Kremen-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-KYNU-1 | Custom Mouse KYNU ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-KYNU-ELISA/ |
ELM-LAG3-1 | Custom Mouse LAG-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LAG-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-LAIR1-1 | Custom Mouse LAIR1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LAIR1-ELISA/ |
ELM-LAMA4-1 | Custom Mouse Laminin alpha 4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Laminin-alpha-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-LAMP1-1 | Custom Mouse LAMP1/CD107a ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LAMP1-ELISA/ |
ELM-LAMP2-1 | Custom Mouse LAMP2/CD107b ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LAMP2-ELISA/ |
ELM-LAYN-1 | Custom Mouse Layilin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Layilin-ELISA/ |
ELM-LBP-1 | Custom Mouse LBP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LBP-ELISA/ |
ELM-LDHA-1 | Custom Mouse LDHA ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LDHA-ELISA/ |
ELM-LDLR-1 | Custom Mouse LDL R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LDL-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-LEFTY1-1 | Custom Mouse Lefty-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Lefty-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-Leptin-1 | Mouse Leptin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-leptin-ob-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-LeptinR-1 | Mouse Leptin R ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-leptin-r-elisa/ |
ELM-LGALS2-1 | Custom Mouse Galectin-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Galectin-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-LGMN-1 | Custom Mouse Legumain/Asparaginyl Endopeptidase ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Legumain-ELISA/ |
ELM-LIF-1 | Custom Mouse LIF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LIF-ELISA/ |
ELM-LIFR-1 | Custom Mouse LIFR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LIFR-ELISA/ |
ELM-LIGHT-1 | Custom Mouse LIGHT/TNFSF14 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LIGHT-ELISA/ |
ELM-LILRC1-1 | Custom Mouse LILRC1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LILRC1-ELISA/ |
ELM-Limitin-1 | Mouse Limitin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Limitin-ELISA/ |
ELM-LIMPII-1 | Custom Mouse LIMPII/SR-B2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LIMPII-ELISA/ |
ELM-Lipocalin2-1 | Mouse Lipocalin-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lipocalin-2-ngal-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-LIVIN-1 | Custom Mouse Livin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-livin-elisa/ |
ELM-LIX-1 | Mouse LIX ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lix-cxcl5-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-LOX1-1 | Mouse LOX-1/OLR1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LOX-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-LRIG1-1 | Custom Mouse LRIG1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LRIG1-ELISA/ |
ELM-LRPAP1-1 | Custom Mouse LRPAP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LRPAP-ELISA/ |
ELM-LRRC32-1 | Custom Mouse LRRC32/GARP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LRRC32-ELISA/ |
ELM-LSelectin-1 | Mouse L-Selectin ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-l-selectin-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatants/ |
ELM-LTA4H-1 | Custom Mouse LTA4H ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LTA4H-ELISA/ |
ELM-LTBR-1 | Custom Mouse Lymphotoxin beta R/TNF RIII/TNFRSF3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Lymphotoxin-beta-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-LTF-1 | Custom Mouse LTF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LTF-ELISA/ |
ELM-LUM-1 | Custom Mouse Lumican ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Lumican-ELISA/ |
ELM-LXN-1 | Custom Mouse Latexin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Latexin-ELISA/ |
ELM-Lymphotactin-1 | Mouse Lymphotactin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lymphotactin-xcl1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-LYPD3-1 | Custom Mouse C4.4A/LYPD3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-C4-4A-ELISA/ |
ELM-LYVE1-1 | Custom Mouse LYVE-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-LYVE-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-MAdCAM1-1 | Custom Mouse MAdCAM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-madcam-1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-MANF-1 | Custom Mouse MANF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MANF-ELISA/ |
ELM-MAP2K1-1 | Custom Mouse MAP2K1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MAP2K1-ELISA/ |
ELM-Marapsin-1 | Custom Mouse Marapsin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-marapsin-pancreasin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-MARCO-1 | Custom Mouse MARCO ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MARCO-ELISA/ |
ELM-MATN2-1 | Custom Mouse Matrilin-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Matrilin-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-MATN3-1 | Custom Mouse Matrilin-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Matrilin-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-MATN4-1 | Custom Mouse Matrilin-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Matrilin-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-MBL1-1 | Custom Mouse MBL-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MBL-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-MBL2-1 | Mouse Mannose Binding Lectin 2/MBL-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Mannose-Binding-Lectin-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-MCAM-1 | Mouse MCAM/CD146 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MCAM-ELISA/ |
ELM-MCP1-1 | Mouse MCP-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mcp-1-ccl2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MCP1-CL-1 | Mouse MCP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mcp-1-ccl2-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-MCP2-1 | Custom Mouse MCP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MCP-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-MCP3-1 | Custom Mouse MCP-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MCP-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-MCP5-1 | Mouse MCP-5 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mcp-5-ccl12-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MCPT1-1 | Custom Mouse Mast Cell Protease-1/Mcpt1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Mast-Cell-Protease-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-MCPT6-1 | Mouse Mast Cell Protease-6/Mcpt6 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Mast-Cell-Protease-6-ELISA/ |
ELM-MCPT7-1 | Custom Mouse Mcpt7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Mcpt7-ELISA/ |
ELM-MCSF-1 | Mouse M-CSF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-m-csf-csf1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MCSF-CL-1 | Mouse M-CSF ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-m-csf-elisa-for-lysates/ |
ELM-MCSFR-1 | Custom Mouse M-CSF R/CD115 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-M-CSF-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-MD1-1 | Custom Mouse MD-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MD-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-MDC-1 | Mouse MDC ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mdc-ccl22-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-MEP1A-1 | Custom Mouse MEP1A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MEP1A-ELISA/ |
ELM-MEP1B-1 | Custom Mouse MEP1B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MEP1B-ELISA/ |
ELM-MEPE-1 | Custom Mouse MEPE/OF45 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MEPE-ELISA/ |
ELM-MER-1 | Custom Mouse Mer ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Mer-ELISA/ |
ELM-MESDC2-1 | Custom Mouse MESDC2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MESDC2-ELISA/ |
ELM-METAP2-1 | Custom Mouse METAP2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-METAP2-ELISA/ |
ELM-Meteorin-1 | Custom Mouse Meteorin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-meteorin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-METRNL-1 | Custom Mouse Meteorin-like/METRNL ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Meteorin-like-ELISA/ |
ELM-MFGE8-1 | Mouse MFG-E8 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mfg-e8-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MFI2-1 | Custom Mouse MFI2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MFI2-ELISA/ |
ELM-MGL1-1 | Custom Mouse MGL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MGL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-MGL2-1 | Custom Mouse MGL2/CD301b ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MGL2-ELISA/ |
ELM-MIF-1 | Custom Mouse MIF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MIF-ELISA/ |
ELM-MIG-1 | Mouse MIG ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mig-cxcl9-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MIP1a-1 | Mouse MIP-1 alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-1-alpha-ccl3-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MIP1b-1 | Mouse MIP-1 beta/CCL4 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MIP-1-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-MIP1g-1 | Mouse MIP-1 gamma ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-1-gamma-ccl9-ccl10-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MIP2-1 | Mouse MIP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-2-cxcl2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MIP3a-1 | Mouse MIP-3 alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-3-alpha-ccl20-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MIP3b-1 | Mouse MIP-3 beta ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-3-beta-ccl19-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MMP10-1 | Mouse MMP-10 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MMP-10-ELISA/ |
ELM-MMP12-1 | Custom Mouse MMP-12 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MMP-12-ELISA/ |
ELM-MMP2-1 | Mouse MMP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mmp-2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MMP3-1 | Mouse MMP-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mmp-3-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-Mmp7-1 | Custom Mouse MMP-7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MMP-7-ELISA/ |
ELM-MMP9-1 | Custom Mouse MMP-9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MMP-9-ELISA/ |
ELM-MMR-1 | Custom Mouse MMR/CD206 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MMR-ELISA/ |
ELM-MOG-1 | Custom Mouse MOG ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MOG-ELISA/ |
ELM-MPO-1 | Mouse MPO ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mpo-elisa-kit-for-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-MSP-1 | Custom Mouse MSP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MSP-ELISA/ |
ELM-MSPR-1 | Custom Mouse MSP R/Ron ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-MSP-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-NAALADL1-1 | Custom Mouse NAALADL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NAALADL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-NBL1-1 | Custom Mouse NBL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NBL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-NCAM1-1 | Custom Mouse NCAM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NCAM-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-NCAN-1 | Custom Mouse Neurocan ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neurocan-ELISA/ |
ELM-NCSTN-1 | Custom Mouse Nicastrin/NCSTN ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nicastrin-ELISA/ |
ELM-NECTIN2-1 | Custom Mouse Nectin-2/CD112 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nectin-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-NECTIN4-1 | Custom Mouse Nectin-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nectin-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-NEK3-1 | Custom Mouse NEK3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NEK3-ELISA/ |
ELM-NELL1-1 | Custom Mouse NELL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NELL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-NEOG-1 | Custom Mouse Neogenin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neogenin-ELISA/ |
ELM-Neprilysin-1 | Mouse Neprilysin ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-neprilysinelisa-kit/ |
ELM-NGC-1 | Custom Mouse Neuroglycan C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neuroglycan-C-ELISA/ |
ELM-NGFR-1 | Custom Mouse NGF R/TNFRSF16 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NGF-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-NID2-1 | Custom Mouse Nidogen-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nidogen-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-NKG2D-1 | Mouse NKG2D ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NKG2D-ELISA/ |
ELM-NKP46-1 | Custom Mouse NKp46/NCR1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NKp46-ELISA/ |
ELM-NOG-1 | Mouse Noggin ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Noggin-ELISA/ |
ELM-NOGOR-1 | Custom Mouse Nogo Receptor/Reticulon-4 Receptor ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nogo-Receptor-ELISA/ |
ELM-Nope-1 | Custom Mouse Nope ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-nope-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-NOTCH1-1 | Custom Mouse Notch-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Notch-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-NOTCH2-1 | Custom Mouse Notch-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Notch-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-NOTCH3-1 | Custom Mouse Notch-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Notch-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-NOV-1 | Custom Mouse NOV ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-nov-cnn3-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-NPHN-1 | Custom Mouse Nephrin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nephrin-ELISA/ |
ELM-NPNT-1 | Custom Mouse Nephronectin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nephronectin-ELISA/ |
ELM-NPTN-1 | Custom Mouse Neuroplastin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neuroplastin-ELISA/ |
ELM-NRTN-1 | Custom Mouse Neurturin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neurturin-ELISA/ |
ELM-NTBA-1 | Custom Mouse NTB-A/SLAMF6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NTB-A-ELISA/ |
ELM-NTN1-1 | Mouse Netrin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Netrin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-NTN4-1 | Custom Mouse Netrin-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Netrin-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-NTNG1-1 | Custom Mouse Netrin-G1a ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Netrin-G1a-ELISA/ |
ELM-NTNG2-1 | Custom Mouse Netrin-G2a ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Netrin-G2a-ELISA/ |
ELM-NTRK1-1 | Custom Mouse NTRK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NTRK1-ELISA/ |
ELM-NXPH1-1 | Custom Mouse Neurexophilin-1/NXPH1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neurexophilin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-OGN-1 | Custom Mouse Mimecan/Osteoglycin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Mimecan-ELISA/ |
ELM-OLFM1-1 | Mouse Olfactomedin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Olfactomedin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-OPG-1 | Mouse OPG ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-osteoprotegerin-opg-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-OPN-1 | Mouse OPN ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-osteopontin-speedelisa/ |
ELM-OSAD-1 | Custom Mouse Osteoadherin/Osteomodulin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Osteoadherin-ELISA/ |
ELM-OSM-1 | Custom Mouse Oncostatin M/OSM ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Oncostatin-M-ELISA/ |
ELM-OSMRB-1 | Custom Mouse OSM R beta ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-OSM-R-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-Osteoactivin-1 | Mouse Osteoactivin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-osteoactivin-elisa/ |
ELM-OX40-1 | Custom Mouse OX40/TNFRSF4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-OX40-ELISA/ |
ELM-p27-1 | Custom Mouse p27/Kip1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-p27-kip1-elisa/ |
ELM-P4HB-1 | Custom Mouse P4HB ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-P4HB-ELISA/ |
ELM-PAII-1 | Mouse PAI-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pai-1-elisa/ |
ELM-PCadherin-1 | Custom Mouse P-Cadherin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-p-cadherin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-PCDH12-1 | Custom Mouse Protocadherin-12 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Protocadherin-12-ELISA/ |
ELM-PCPE1-1 | Custom Mouse PCPE-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PCPE-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-Pcsk9-1 | Custom Mouse Proprotein Convertase 9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Proprotein-Convertase-9-ELISA/ |
ELM-PD1-1 | Custom Mouse PD-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PD-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-PDGFAA-1 | Mouse PDGF-AA ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PDGF-AA-ELISA/ |
ELM-PDGFAB-1 | Mouse PDGF-AB ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pdgf-ab-elisa/ |
ELM-PDGFBB-1 | Mouse PDGF-BB ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pdgf-bb-elisa/ |
ELM-PDGFC-1 | Custom Mouse PDGF-C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PDGF-C-ELISA/ |
ELM-PDGFRA-1 | Custom Mouse PDGF R alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PDGF-R-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-PDGFRB-1 | Mouse PDGF R beta ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PDGF-R-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-PDL2-1 | Mouse PD-L2/B7-DC ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PD-L2-ELISA/ |
ELM-PDPN-1 | Custom Mouse Podoplanin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Podoplanin-ELISA/ |
ELM-Periostin-1 | Mouse Periostin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-periostin-osf-2-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-PF4-1 | Mouse PF-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-platelet-factor-4-pf4-cxcl4-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-PGRPS-1 | Custom Mouse PGRP-S ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PGRP-S-ELISA/ |
ELM-PIGR-1 | Custom Mouse pIgR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-pIgR-ELISA/ |
ELM-PILRA-1 | Custom Mouse PILR-alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PILR-alpha-ELISA/ |
ELM-PILRB-1 | Custom Mouse PILR-beta ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PILR-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-PIRB-1 | Custom Mouse PIR-B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PIR-B-ELISA/ |
ELM-PLA2G1B-1 | Custom Mouse PLA2G1B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PLA2G1B-ELISA/ |
ELM-PLA2G2A-1 | Custom Mouse PLA2G2A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PLA2G2A-ELISA/ |
ELM-PLA2G7-1 | Custom Mouse PLA2G7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PLA2G7-ELISA/ |
ELM-PLGF2-1 | Mouse PLGF-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pigf-2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-PLTP-1 | Custom Mouse PLTP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PLTP-ELISA/ |
ELM-PLXNA1-1 | Custom Mouse Plexin A1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Plexin-A1-ELISA/ |
ELM-PLXNB2-1 | Custom Mouse Plexin B2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Plexin-B2-ELISA/ |
ELM-PLXNC1-1 | Custom Mouse Plexin C1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Plexin-C1-ELISA/ |
ELM-PODXL-1 | Custom Mouse Podocalyxin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Podocalyxin-ELISA/ |
ELM-PODXL2-1 | Custom Mouse Endoglycan/PODXL2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Endoglycan-ELISA/ |
ELM-PPIA-1 | Custom Mouse PPIA/Cyclophilin A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PPIA-ELISA/ |
ELM-PPM1A-1 | Custom Mouse PPM1A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PPM1A-ELISA/ |
ELM-PRDC-1 | Mouse PRDC ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-prdc-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-PRDX5-1 | Custom Mouse PRDX5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PRDX5-ELISA/ |
ELM-PREF1-1 | Mouse Pref-1/DLK-1/FA1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Pref-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-PREP-1 | Custom Mouse PREP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PREP-ELISA/ |
ELM-Progranulin-1 | Mouse Progranulin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-progranulin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-Prolactin-1 | Mouse Prolactin ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-prolactinelisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-proMMP9-1 | Mouse pro-MMP-9 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pro-mmp-9-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-Prostasin-1 | Custom Mouse Prostasin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-prostasin-prss8-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-PRSS3-1 | Custom Mouse Trypsin 3/PRSS3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Trypsin-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-PRSS32-1 | Custom Mouse Tryptase-5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Tryptase-5-ELISA/ |
ELM-PRSS34-1 | Custom Mouse Mast Cell Protease-11/Prss34 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Mast-Cell-Protease-11-ELISA/ |
ELM-PSAP-1 | Mouse PSAP ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PSAP-ELISA/ |
ELM-Pselectin-1 | Mouse P-Selectin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-p-selectin-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-PSMB6-1 | Custom Mouse PSMB6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PSMB6-ELISA/ |
ELM-PSPN-1 | Custom Mouse Persephin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-persephin-elisa/ |
ELM-PTK6-1 | Custom Mouse PTK6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PTK6-ELISA/ |
ELM-PTPN6-1 | Custom Mouse PTPN6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PTPN6-ELISA/ |
ELM-PVR-1 | Custom Mouse PVR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-PVR-ELISA/ |
ELM-RAGE-1 | Mouse RAGE ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-rage-ager-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-RANK-1 | Custom Mouse RANK/TNFRSF11A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-RANK-ELISA/ |
ELM-RANTES-1 | Mouse RANTES ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-rantes-ccl5-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-RBP4-1 | Custom Mouse RBP4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-rbp4-elisa/ |
ELM-REG2-1 | Custom Mouse Reg2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Reg2-ELISA/ |
ELM-REG3A-1 | Custom Mouse Reg3A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Reg3A-ELISA/ |
ELM-REG3B-1 | Custom Mouse Reg3B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Reg3B-ELISA/ |
ELM-Renin1-1 | Mouse Renin 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-renin-1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-Resistin-1 | Mouse Resistin ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-resistin-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-RET-1 | Custom Mouse Ret ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ret-ELISA/ |
ELM-RGMA-1 | Custom Mouse RGM-A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-RGM-A-ELISA/ |
ELM-RGMB-1 | Custom Mouse RGM-B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-RGM-B-ELISA/ |
ELM-RGMC-1 | Custom Mouse RGM-C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-RGM-C-ELISA/ |
ELM-RLN1-1 | Custom Mouse Relaxin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Relaxin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-ROBO3-1 | Custom Mouse ROBO3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ROBO3-ELISA/ |
ELM-ROBO4-1 | Custom Mouse ROBO4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ROBO4-ELISA/ |
ELM-RSPO1-1 | Custom Mouse R-Spondin 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-R-Spondin-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-RSPO4-1 | Custom Mouse R-Spondin 4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-R-Spondin-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-RYK-1 | Custom Mouse Ryk ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ryk-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A1-1 | Custom Mouse S100A1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A1-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A13-1 | Custom Mouse S100A13 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A13-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A3-1 | Custom Mouse S100A3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A3-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A4-1 | Custom Mouse S100A4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A4-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A5-1 | Custom Mouse S100A5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A5-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A6-1 | Custom Mouse S100A6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A6-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A7A-1 | Custom Mouse S100A7A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A7A-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100a8-1 | Custom Mouse S100 A8 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100-A8-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A89-1 | Mouse S100A8/S100A9 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A8-ELISA/ |
ELM-S100A9-1 | Custom Mouse S100A9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-S100A9-ELISA/ |
ELM-Saa1-1 | Custom Mouse SAA ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SAA-ELISA/ |
ELM-SBDS-1 | Custom Mouse SBDS ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SBDS-ELISA/ |
ELM-SCARA5-1 | Custom Mouse SCARA5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SCARA5-ELISA/ |
ELM-SCF-1 | Mouse SCF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-scf-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-SCGB1A1-1 | Custom Mouse SCGB1A1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SCGB1A1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SCGF-1 | Custom Mouse SCGF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SCGF-ELISA/ |
ELM-SDC1-1 | Custom Mouse Syndecan-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Syndecan-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SDC2-1 | Custom Mouse Syndecan-2/CD362 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Syndecan-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-SDC3-1 | Custom Mouse Syndecan-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Syndecan-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-SDC4-1 | Mouse SDC4 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SDC4-ELISA/ |
ELM-SDF1a-1 | Mouse SDF-1 alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-sdf-1-alpha-cxcl12-alpha-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-SELPLG-1 | Custom Mouse SELPLG ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SELPLG-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA3C-1 | Custom Mouse Semaphorin 3C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-3C-ELISA/ |
ELM-Sema3f-1 | Custom Mouse SEMA3F ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SEMA3F-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA4C-1 | Custom Mouse Semaphorin 4C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-4C-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA4D-1 | Mouse Semaphorin 4D/CD100 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-4D-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA4F-1 | Custom Mouse Semaphorin 4F ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-4F-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA4G-1 | Custom Mouse Semaphorin 4G ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-4G-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA6A-1 | Custom Mouse Semaphorin 6A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-6A-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA6C-1 | Custom Mouse Semaphorin 6C ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-6C-ELISA/ |
ELM-SEMA7A-1 | Custom Mouse Semaphorin 7A ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Semaphorin-7A-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINA10-1 | Custom Mouse Serpina10 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpina10-ELISA/ |
ELM-Serpina11-1 | Custom Mouse SerpinA11 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SerpinA11-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINA1C-1 | Custom Mouse Serpin A1c ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpin-A1c-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINA1D-1 | Custom Mouse Serpina1d ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpina1d-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINA3C-1 | Custom Mouse Serpina3c ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpina3c-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINA3N-1 | Custom Mouse Serpin A3N ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpin-A3N-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINA6-1 | Custom Mouse Serpin A6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpin-A6-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINB10-1 | Custom Mouse Serpinb10 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpinb10-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINB3C-1 | Custom Mouse Serpinb3c ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpinb3c-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINB6B-1 | Custom Mouse Serpinb6b ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpinb6b-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINB8-1 | Custom Mouse Serpinb8 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpinb8-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPIND1-1 | Custom Mouse Serpind1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpind1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINE2-1 | Custom Mouse Serpin E2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpin-E2-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINF1-1 | Custom Mouse Serpin F1/PEDF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpin-F1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SERPINF2-1 | Custom Mouse Serpin F2/alpha 2-Antiplasmin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Serpin-F2-ELISA/ |
ELM-Sfn-1 | Custom Mouse SFN ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SFN-ELISA/ |
ELM-SFN-1 | Custom Mouse SFN ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SFN-ELISA/ |
ELM-SFRP2-1 | Custom Mouse sFRP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-sFRP-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-sFRP3-1 | Mouse sFRP-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-sFRP-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-SFRP4-1 | Custom Mouse SFRP4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SFRP4-ELISA/ |
ELM-SGSH-1 | Custom Mouse SGSH ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SGSH-ELISA/ |
ELM-ShhN-1 | Mouse ShhN ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/raybiomouse-shh-n-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-ShhN-CL-1 | Mouse ShhN ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/raybiomouse-shh-n-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-SIGIRR-1 | Custom Mouse SIGIRR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SIGIRR-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIGLEC1-1 | Custom Mouse Siglec-1/CD169 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Siglec-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIGLEC2-1 | Custom Mouse Siglec-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Siglec-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIGLEC3-1 | Custom Mouse Siglec-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Siglec-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIGLECE-1 | Custom Mouse Siglec-E ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Siglec-E-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIGLECF-1 | Custom Mouse Siglec-F ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Siglec-F-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIGNR1-1 | Custom Mouse SIGNR1/CD209b ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SIGNR1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIRPA-1 | Custom Mouse SIRPA ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SIRPA-ELISA/ |
ELM-SIRPB-1 | Custom Mouse SIRP beta 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SIRP-beta-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SLAM-1 | Mouse SLAM/CD150 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SLAM-ELISA/ |
ELM-SLAMF8-1 | Custom Mouse BLAME/SLAMF8 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-BLAME-ELISA/ |
ELM-SLC3A2-1 | Custom Mouse SLC3A2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SLC3A2-ELISA/ |
ELM-SLIT2-1 | Custom Mouse Slit2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Slit2-ELISA/ |
ELM-SMAC-1 | Custom Mouse SMAC ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-smac-elisa/ |
ELM-SMAD5-1 | Custom Mouse Smad5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Smad5-ELISA/ |
ELM-SMOC1-1 | Custom Mouse SMOC-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SMOC-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SORCS2-1 | Custom Mouse SorCS2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SorCS2-ELISA/ |
ELM-SORCS3-1 | Custom Mouse SorCS3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SorCS3-ELISA/ |
ELM-SORT-1 | Custom Mouse Sortilin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Sortilin-ELISA/ |
ELM-SOST-1 | Custom Mouse SOST/Sclerostin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SOST-ELISA/ |
ELM-SPARC-1 | Custom Mouse SPARC ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SPARC-ELISA/ |
ELM-SPARCL1-1 | Custom Mouse SPARC-like 1/SPARCL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SPARC-like-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-SPD-1 | Custom Mouse SP-D ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SP-D-ELISA/ |
ELM-SPIN-1 | Custom Mouse Spinesin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Spinesin-ELISA/ |
ELM-SRAI-1 | Custom Mouse SR-AI/MSR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-SR-AI-ELISA/ |
ELM-ST6GALNAC2-1 | Custom Mouse ST6GALNAC2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-ST6GALNAC2-ELISA/ |
ELM-STC2-1 | Custom Mouse STC-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-STC-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-STX2-1 | Custom Mouse Epimorphin/Syntaxin 2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Epimorphin-ELISA/ |
ELM-TACI-1 | Custom Mouse TACI ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-taci-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-Tacstd2-1 | Custom Mouse TROP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TROP-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TARC-1 | Mouse TARC ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tarc-ccl17-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TCA3-1 | Mouse TCA-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tca-3-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TCAM1-1 | Custom Mouse TCAM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TCAM-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-TCK1-1 | Mouse TCK-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-thymus-chemokine-1-tck-1-cxcl7-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TCN2-1 | Custom Mouse TCN2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TCN2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TECK-1 | Mouse TECK ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-teck-ccl25-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-Testican3-1 | Custom Mouse Testican 3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-testocam-3-spock-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TF-1 | Custom Mouse TF ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TF-ELISA/ |
ELM-TFPI-1 | Custom Mouse TFPI ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TFPI-ELISA/ |
ELM-TFPI2-1 | Custom Mouse TFPI-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TFPI-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TFRC-1 | Custom Mouse TFRC ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TFRC-ELISA/ |
ELM-Tgfb2-1 | Custom Mouse TGF beta 2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TGF-beta-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TGFBR1-1 | Custom Mouse TGF-beta RI/ALK-5 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TGF-beta-RI-ELISA/ |
ELM-TGFBR2-1 | Custom Mouse TGF-beta RII ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TGF-beta-RII-ELISA/ |
ELM-TGFBR3-1 | Custom Mouse TGF-beta RIII ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TGF-beta-RIII-ELISA/ |
ELM-TGM2-1 | Custom Mouse Transglutaminase 2/TGM2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Transglutaminase-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-THBD-1 | Custom Mouse Thrombomodulin/BDCA-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Thrombomodulin-ELISA/ |
ELM-THOP1-1 | Custom Mouse THOP1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-THOP1-ELISA/ |
ELM-THSD1-1 | Custom Mouse THSD1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-THSD1-ELISA/ |
ELM-TIE2-1 | Custom Mouse Tie-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Tie-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TIGIT-1 | Custom Mouse TIGIT ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TIGIT-ELISA/ |
ELM-TIM1-1 | Mouse TIM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tim-1-kim-1-havcr-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TIM2-1 | Custom Mouse TIM-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TIM-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TIM3-1 | Custom Mouse TIM-3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TIM-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-TIM4-1 | Custom Mouse TIM-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TIM-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-TIMP1-1 | Mouse TIMP-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TIMP1-CL-1 | Mouse TIMP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-1-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-TIMP2-1 | Mouse TIMP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-2-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TIMP4-1 | Custom Mouse TIMP-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-4-elisa/ |
ELM-TL1A-1 | Custom Mouse TL1A/TNFSF15 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TL1A-ELISA/ |
ELM-TLR1-1 | Custom Mouse TLR1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TLR1-ELISA/ |
ELM-TLR2-1 | Custom Mouse TLR2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TLR2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TLR6-1 | Custom Mouse TLR6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TLR6-ELISA/ |
ELM-TNFa-1 | Mouse TNF-alpha ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha-tnf-alpha-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TNFa-CL-1 | Mouse TNF-alpha ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tnf-alpha-elisa-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-TNFB-1 | Mouse TNF-beta/LTA/TNFSF1B ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TNF-beta-ELISA/ |
ELM-TNFR1-1 | Mouse sTNFRI ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-soluble-tnf-receptor-1-stnfri-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TNFR2-1 | Custom Mouse sTNFRII ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-soluble-tnf-receptor-2-stnfrii-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TNFRH3-1 | Custom Mouse TNFRH3/TNFRSF26 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TNFRH3-ELISA/ |
ELM-TNFSF4-1 | Mouse TNFSF4 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ox40-ligand-tnf-sf4-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TNFSF9-1 | Custom Mouse 4-1BB Ligand/TNFSF9 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-4-1BB-Ligand-ELISA/ |
ELM-TPO-1 | Mouse TPO ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-thrombopoietin-tpo-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TPOR-1 | Custom Mouse Thrombopoietin R/Tpo R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Thrombopoietin-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-TRAIL-1 | Mouse TRAIL ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-trail-tnfsf10-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TRAILR2-1 | Custom Mouse TRAIL R2/TNFRSF10B ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TRAIL-R2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TRANCE-1 | Mouse TRANCE ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-trance-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TREM1-1 | Mouse TREM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 5712 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-trem-1-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TREM2-1 | Custom Mouse TREM-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TREM-2-ELISA/ |
ELM-TREML1-1 | Custom Mouse TREML1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-treml1-elisa/ |
ELM-TRKB-1 | Custom Mouse TrkB ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TrkB-ELISA/ |
ELM-TRKC-1 | Custom Mouse TrkC ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TrkC-ELISA/ |
ELM-TROY-1 | Mouse TROY ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-troy-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-TSC22D1-1 | Custom Mouse TSC22D1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TSC22D1-ELISA/ |
ELM-TSG-1 | Custom Mouse TSG ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TSG-ELISA/ |
ELM-TSG14-1 | Mouse Pentraxin-3/TSG-14 ELISA | 96-Well | 5544 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Pentraxin-3-ELISA/ |
ELM-TSG6-1 | Custom Mouse TSG-6 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TSG-6-ELISA/ |
ELM-TSLP-1 | Mouse TSLP ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tslp-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TSLPR-1 | Custom Mouse TSLP R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TSLP-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-TSP2-1 | Mouse TSP-2 ELISA | 96-Well | 5052 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-thrombospondin-2-elisa/ |
ELM-TSP4-1 | Custom Mouse TSP-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TSP-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-Tspan7-1 | Custom Mouse TSPAN7 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-TSPAN7-ELISA/ |
ELM-TWEAK-1 | Mouse TWEAK ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tweak-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-TWEAKR-1 | Mouse TWEAK R ELISA | 96-Well | 6924 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tweak-r-elisa-kit/ |
ELM-UCHL1-1 | Custom Mouse UCHL1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-UCHL1-ELISA/ |
ELM-UPAR-1 | Custom Mouse uPAR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-uPAR-ELISA/ |
ELM-VCAM1-1 | Mouse VCAM-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vcam-1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-VDR-1 | Custom Mouse VDR ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-VDR-ELISA/ |
ELM-VECAD-1 | Custom Mouse VE-Cadherin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-VE-Cadherin-ELISA/ |
ELM-VEGF-1 | Mouse VEGF ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegf-vegf-a-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-cell-culture-supernatant/ |
ELM-VEGFB-1 | Mouse VEGF-B ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegf-b-elisa/ |
ELM-VEGF-CL-1 | Mouse VEGF-A ELISA (For Lysates) | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegf-vegf-a-elisa-kit-for-cell-and-tissue-lysates/ |
ELM-VEGFR1-1 | Mouse VEGF R1 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegf-r1-elisa-kit-for-serum-plasma-and-cell-culture-supernatants/ |
ELM-VEGFR2-1 | Mouse VEGFR2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vascular-endothelial-growth-factor-receptor-2-elisa/ |
ELM-VEGFR3-1 | Mouse VEGFR3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vascular-endothelial-growth-factor-receptor-3-elisa/ |
ELM-VISTA-1 | Mouse VISTA/B7-H5/PD-1H ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-VISTA-ELISA/ |
ELM-Vldlr-1 | Custom Mouse VLDL-R ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-VLDL-R-ELISA/ |
ELM-VNN1-1 | Custom Mouse VNN1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-VNN1-ELISA/ |
ELM-VSIG4-1 | Mouse VSIG4 ELISA | 96-Well | 5484 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-VSIG4-ELISA/ |
ELM-VTN-1 | Custom Mouse Vitronectin ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Vitronectin-ELISA/ |
ELM-Wisp1-1 | Custom Mouse WISP-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-WISP-1-ELISA/ |
ELM-WNT10B-1 | Custom Mouse Wnt-10b ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Wnt-10b-ELISA/ |
ELM-WNT2B-1 | Custom Mouse Wnt-2b ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Wnt-2b-ELISA/ |
ELM-WNT3A-1 | Custom Mouse Wnt-3a ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Wnt-3a-ELISA/ |
ELM-WNT4-1 | Custom Mouse Wnt-4 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Wnt-4-ELISA/ |
ELM-WNT8A-1 | Custom Mouse Wnt-8a ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Wnt-8a-ELISA/ |
ELM-XIAP-1 | Custom Mouse XIAP ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-xiap-elisa/ |
ELM-XPNPEP2-1 | Custom Mouse Aminopeptidase P2/XPNPEP2 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Aminopeptidase-P2-ELISA/ |
ELM-YM1-1 | Custom Mouse YM1/Chitinase 3-like 3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-YM1-ELISA/ |
PTE-ACEH2AX-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Acetylated-Histone H2AX ELISA | 96-Well | 5892 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-acetylated-histone-h2ax-elisa/ |
PTE-ACEH2AX-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Acetylated-Histone H2AX and Histone H2AX ELISA | 96-Well | 6432 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-acetylated-histone-h2ax-and-histone-h2ax-elisa/ |
PTE-ACEHIS3-1 | Human/Mouse Acetylated-Histone H3 ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-acetylated-histone-h3-elisa/ |
PTE-ACEHIS3-T-1 | Human/Mouse Acetylated-Histone H3 and Histone H3 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-acetylated-histone-h3-and-histone-h3-elisa/ |
PTE-ACETUBA-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Acetylated-Alpha Tubulin ELISA | 96-Well | 5892 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-acetylated-alpha-tubulin-elisa/ |
PTE-ACETUBA-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Acetylated-Alpha Tubulin and Alpha Tubulin ELISA | 96-Well | 6432 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-acetylated-alpha-tubulin-and-alpha-tubulin-elisa/ |
PTE-CASP3-D175-1 | Human/Mouse Cleaved-Caspase-3 (D175) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-cleaved-caspase-3-d175-elisa/ |
PTE-CASP7-D198-1 | Human/Mouse Cleaved-Caspase-7 (D198) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-cleaved-caspase-7-d198-elisa/ |
PTE-CASP7-D198-T-1 | Human/Mouse Cleaved-Caspase-7 (D198) and Caspase-7 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-cleaved-caspase-7-d198-and-caspase-7-elisa/ |
PTE-H3K4me3-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Methylated-Histone H3 (H3K4me3) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-methylated-histone-h3-h3k4me3-elisa/ |
PTE-H3K4me3-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Methylated-Histone H3 (H3K4me3) and Histone H3 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-methylated-histone-h3-h3k4me3-and-histone-h3-elisa/ |
PEL-4EBP1-T36-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-4E-BP1 (T36) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-4e-bp1-t36-elisa/ |
PEL-4EBP1-T36-T-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-4E-BP1 (T36) and Total 4E-BP1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-4e-bp1-t36-and-total-4e-bp1-elisa/ |
PEL-ACC1-S79-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-ACC1 (S79) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-acc1-s79-elisa/ |
PEL-Akt-S473-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Akt (S473) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-akt-pser473-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Akt-S473-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Akt (S473) and Total Akt ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-akt-pser473-and-pan-akt-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-AMPKA-S487-1 | Human‚ Mouse and Rat Phospho-AMPKa1 (Ser487) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/AMPKa1-Ser487-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-AMPKA-S487-T-1 | Human‚ Mouse and Rat Phospho-AMPKa1 (Ser487) and Total AMPKa1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/AMPKa1-Ser487-and-pan-AMPKa1-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-ATF2-T69-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-ATF2 (Thr69/71) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/atf2-thr69-71-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-ATF2-T69-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-ATF2 (Thr69/71) and Total ATF2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/atf2-thr69-71-and-pan-atf2-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-BECLIN1-S234-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Beclin-1 (S234) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-phospho-beclin-1-s234-elisa/ |
PEL-BECLIN1-S234-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Beclin-1 (S234) and Total Beclin-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-phospho-beclin-1-s234-and-total-beclin-1-elisa/ |
PEL-CSK-Y-1 | Human and Mouse Phosphotyrosine CSK ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/CSK-Tyr-phosphotyrosine-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-EGFR-Y-1 | Human and Mouse Phosphotyrosine EGFR ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-phosphotyrosine-egfr-elisa/ |
PEL-EGFR-Y1068-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-EGFR (Y1068) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-egfr-ptyr1068-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-EGFR-Y1068-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-EGFR (Y1068) and Total EGFR ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-egfr-ptyr1068-and-pan-egfr-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-EGFR-Y1086-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-EGFR (Y1086) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-egfr-ptyr1086-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-EGFR-Y1086-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-EGFR (Y1086) and Total EGFR ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-egfr-ptyr1086-and-pan-egfr-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-EGFR-Y992-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-EGFR (Y992) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-egfr-ptyr992-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-EGFR-Y992-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-EGFR (Y992) and Total EGFR ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-egfr-ptyr992-and-pan-egfr-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-EphB3-Y-1 | Human/Mouse Phosphotyrosine EphB3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-phosphotyrosine-ephb3-elisa/ |
PEL-Erk2-T185-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Erk2 (T185/Y187) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-erk2-t185-y187-elisa/ |
PEL-Erk2-T185-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Erk2 (T185/Y187) and Total ERK2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-erk2-t185-y187-pan-elisa/ |
PEL-Erk-T202-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Erk1 (T202/Y204) + Phospho-Erk2 (T185/Y187) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-erk1-pthr202-ptyr204-erk2-ptyr185-187-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Erk-T202-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Erk1 (T202/Y204) + Phospho-Erk2 (T185/Y187) and Total Erk1/2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-erk1-pthr202-ptyr204-erk2-tyr185-187-and-pan-erk1-2-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-FOXO3-S253-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-FOXO3 (Ser253) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/FOXO3-Ser253-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-FOXO3-S253-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-FOXO3 (Ser253) and Total FOXO3 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/FOXO3-Ser253-and-pan-FOXO3-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-FRS2-Y-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phosphotyrosine FRS2 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/FRS2-Tyr-phosphotyrosine-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-FRS2-Y436-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-FRS2 (Tyr436) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/FRS2-Tyr436-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-FRS2-Y436-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-FRS2 (Tyr436) and Total FRS2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/FRS2-Tyr436-and-pan-FRS2-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-GSK3a-S21-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-GSK3a (S21) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/gsk3a-s21-phosphorylation-elisa/ |
PEL-GSK3a-S21-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-GSK3a (S21) and Total GSK3a ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/gsk3a-s21-pan-phosphorylation-elisa.html/ |
PEL-HDAC2-S394-1 | Human‚ Mouse and Rat Phospho-HDAC2 (Ser394) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/HDAC2-Ser394-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-HDAC2-S394-T-1 | Human‚ Mouse and Rat Phospho-HDAC2 (Ser394) and Total HDAC2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/HDAC2-Ser394-and-pan-HDAC2-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-HDAC4-S632-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-HDAC4 (S632) | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphoylation-hdac4-s632-elisa/ |
PEL-iNOS-Y-1 | Human‚ Mouse and Rat Phosphotyrosine iNOS ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/iNOS-Tyr-phosphotyrosine-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-JAK1-Y1022-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Jak1 (Y1022) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/jak1-y1022-phospho-elisa/ |
PEL-JAK1-Y1022-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Jak1 (Y1022) & Total JAK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/jak1-y1022-total-jak1-phospho-elisa/ |
PEL-JNK-T183-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-JNK (T183/Y185) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-jnk-elisa/ |
PEL-JNK-T183-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-JNK (T183/Y185) and Total JNK ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-jnk-t183-y185-elisa/ |
PEL-JUN-S63-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-c-Jun (S63) ELISA | 96-Well | 6540 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-c-jun-s63-elisa/ |
PEL-JUN-S63-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-c-Jun (S63) and Total c-Jun ELISA | 96-Well | 7152 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-c-jun-s63-pan-elisa/ |
PEL-LSD1-S112-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-LSD1 (S112) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-and-mouse-phospho-lsd1-s112-elisa/ |
PEL-LSD1-S112-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-LSD1 (S112) and Total LSD1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-and-mouse-phospho-lsd1-s112-and-total-lsd1-elisa/ |
PEL-MARCKS-S152-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-MARCKS (S152/156) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-marcks-s152-156-elisa/ |
PEL-MARCKS-S152-T-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-MARCKS (S152/156) and Total MARCKS ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-marcks-s152-156-total-marcks-elisa/ |
PEL-Mek-S217-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MEK1 (S217/S221) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-mek1-ser217-221-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Mek-S217-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MEK1 (S217/S221) and Total MEK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-mek1-ser217-221-and-pan-mek-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Met-Y1234-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Met (Y1234) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-met-ptyr1234-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Met-Y1234-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Met (Y1234) and Total Met ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-met-ptyr1234-and-pan-mek-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-MKK3-S189-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MKK3 (S189) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-mkk3-s189-elisa/ |
PEL-MKK3-S189-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MKK3 (S189) and Total MKK3 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-mkk3-s189-elisa-pan/ |
PEL-MKK6-S207-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MKK6 (S207) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-mkk6-s207-elisa/ |
PEL-MKK6-S207-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MKK6 (S207) ELISA and Total MKK6 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-mkk6-s207-pan-elisa/ |
PEL-MLKL-S345-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-MLKL (Ser345) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/MLKL-Ser345-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-mTOR-S2448-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-mTOR (Ser2448) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mTOR-Ser2448-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-mTOR-S2448-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-mTOR (Ser2448) and Total mTOR ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mTOR-Ser2448-and-pan-mTOR-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-NFKBP65-S536-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-NF-KB p65 (S536) ELISA | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-nfkbp65-s536-elisa/ |
PEL-NFKBP65-S536-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-NF-KB p65 (S536) ELISA and Total NF-KB p65 | 96-Well | 7788 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-nfkbp65-s536-total-nfkbp65-elisa/ |
PEL-P38-T180-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-p38 alpha (T180/Y182) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-p38-alpha-pthr180-ptyr182-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-P38-T180-T-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-p38 alpha (T180/Y182) and Total p38 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-p38-alpha-pthr180-ptyr182-and-pan-p38-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-P53-S15-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-P53 (S15) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-p53-elisa/ |
PEL-P53-S15-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-P53 (S15) and Total P53 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-p53-s15-total-p53-elisa/ |
PEL-P70S6K-T421-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-P70S6K (T421/S424) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-p70s6k-t421-s424-elisa/ |
PEL-P70S6K-T421-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-P70S6K (T421/S424) and Total P70S6K ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-p70s6k-t421-s424-pan-elisa/ |
PEL-PDK1-S241-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-PDK1 (Ser241) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/pdk1-ser241-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-PDK1-S241-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-PDK1 (Ser241) and Total PDK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/pdk1-ser241-and-pan-pdk1-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-PLCG1-Y771-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-PLCG1 (Tyr771) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-phospho-plc-gamma-1-tyr771-elisa/ |
PEL-PLCG1-Y771-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-PLCG1 (Tyr771) and Total PLCG1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-phospho-plcg1-tyr771-and-total-plcg1-elisa/ |
PEL-PLCG2-Y753-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-PLCG2 (Tyr753) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/plcg2-tyr753-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-PLCG2-Y753-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-PLCG2 (Tyr753) and Total PLCG2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/plcg2-tyr753-and-pan-plcg2-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-PTEN-S380-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-PTEN (S380) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/pten-s380-phosphorylation-elisa/ |
PEL-PTEN-S380-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-PTEN (S380) and Total PTEN ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-pten-s380-total-pten-elisa/ |
PEL-RAF-1-S301-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Raf-1 (Ser301) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-raf-1-s301-elisa/ |
PEL-RAF-1-S301-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Raf-1 (Ser301) and Total Raf-1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-raf-1-s301-total-raf-1-elisa/ |
PEL-Rictor-T1135-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Rictor (T1135) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-rictor-t1135-elisa/ |
PEL-RPS6-S235-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-RPS6 (S235/S236) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-ribosomal-protein-s6-s235-s236-elisa/ |
PEL-RPS6-S235-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-RPS6 (S235/S236) and Total RPS6 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-rps6-s235-s236-pan-elisa/ |
PEL-RSK2-S386-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-RSK2 (Ser386) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/rsk2-ser386-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-RSK2-S386-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-RSK2 (Ser386) and Total RSK2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/rsk2-ser386-and-pan-rsk2-phospho-elisa-kit-53211/ |
PEL-SHC-Y427-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-SHC (Tyr427) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/shc-tyr427-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-SHC-Y427-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-SHC (Tyr427) and Total SHC ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/shc-tyr427-and-pan-shc-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-SHP1-S591-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-SHP1 (Ser591) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/shp1-ser591-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-SHP1-S591-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-SHP1 (Ser591) and Total SHP1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/shp1-ser591-and-pan-shp1-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-SHP2-Y542-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-SHP2 (Y542) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-shp2-y542-elisa/ |
PEL-SHP2-Y542-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-SHP2 (Y542) and Total SHP2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-shp2-y542-total-shp2-elisa/ |
PEL-SMAD2-S245-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-SMAD2 (SER245/250/255) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-smad2-s245-250-255-elisa/ |
PEL-SMAD2-S245-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-SMAD2 (SER245/250/255) and Total SMAD2 | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphorylation-smad2-s245-250-255-total-smad2-elisa/ |
PEL-Stat1-S727-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat 1 (S727) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-stat1-pser727-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Stat1-S727-T-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat 1 (S727) and Total Stat 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-stat1-pser727-and-pan-stat1-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Stat1-Y701-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat 1 (Y701) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-stat1-ptyr701-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Stat1-Y701-T-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat 1 (Y701) and Total Stat 1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-stat1-ptyr701-and-pan-stat1-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Stat3-Y-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phosphotyrosine STAT3 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-phosphotyrosine-stat3-elisa/ |
PEL-Stat3-Y705-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Stat 3 (Y705) ELISA | 96-Well | 6540 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-stat3-ptyr705-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Stat3-Y705-T-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Stat 3 (Y705) and Total Stat 3 ELISA | 96-Well | 7152 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phospho-stat3-ptyr705-and-pan-stat3-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-Stat5-Y-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phosphotyrosine STAT5 ELISA | 96-Well | 4824 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-phosphotyrosine-stat5-elisa/ |
PEL-TBK1-S172-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-TBK1 (Ser172) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/tbk1-ser172-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-TBK1-S172-T-1 | Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-TBK1 (Ser172) and Total TBK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/tbk1-ser172-and-pan-tbk1-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-TRKB-Y816-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-TrkB (Y816) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-and-rat-phospho-trkb-y816-elisa/ |
PEL-TYK2-Y1054-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-TYK2 (Tyr1054) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/tyk2-tyr1054-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-TYK2-Y1054-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-TYK2 (Tyr1054) and Total TYK2 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/tyk2-tyr1054-and-pan-tyk2-phospho-elisa-kit/ |
PEL-ULK1-S556-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-ULK1 (S556) ELISA | 96-Well | 5952 | https://www.raybiotech.com/ULK1-S556-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
PEL-ULK1-S556-T-1 | Human and Mouse Phospho-ULK1 (S556) and Total ULK1 ELISA | 96-Well | 6492 | https://www.raybiotech.com/ULK1-S556-and-pan-ULK1-phospho-ELISA-Kit/ |
IQM-41BB-1 | Mouse 4-1BB IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-4-1bb-ligand-receptor-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-6Ckine-1 | Mouse 6Ckine IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-6ckine-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ACE-1 | Mouse ACE IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ace-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ActivinA-1 | Mouse Activin A IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-activin-a-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ADAMTS1-1 | Mouse ADAMTS1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-adamts-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Adiponectin-1 | Mouse Adiponectin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-adiponectin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-aFGF-1 | Mouse aFGF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-afgf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ALK1-1 | Mouse ALK-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-alk-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ANGPTL1-1 | Custom Mouse Angiopoietin-3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-angiopoietin-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ANGPTL3-1 | Mouse ANGPTL3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-angptl3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-AR-1 | Mouse AREG IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-amphiregulin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ARTN-1 | Custom Mouse Artemin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-artemin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-AXL-1 | Mouse Axl IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-axl-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BAD-1 | Custom Mouse BAD IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bad-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BAFFR-1 | Mouse BAFF R IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-baff-r-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BCLW-1 | Mouse BCL-W IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bcl-w-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BCMA-1 | Custom Mouse BCMA IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bcma-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-bFGF-1 | Mouse bFGF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bfgf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BID-1 | Mouse BID IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bid-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-bIGH3-1 | Mouse BIGH3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-beta-ig-h3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BLC-1 | Mouse BLC IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-blc-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BMP7-1 | Mouse BMP-7 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bmp-7-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BMP9-1 | Mouse BMP-9 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bmp-9-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-bNGF-1 | Mouse beta-NGF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-beta-ngf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-BSSP4-1 | Mouse BSSP 4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tryptase-epsilon-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CCC5a-1 | Mouse C5a IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-c5a-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CCL28-1 | Custom Mouse CCL28 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ccl28-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CCL6-1 | Mouse CCL6 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ccl6-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD27-1 | Mouse CD27 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd27-antigen-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD27L-1 | Custom Mouse CD27 L IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd27-ligand-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD30-1 | Mouse CD30 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd30-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD30L-1 | Mouse CD30 L IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd30-ligand-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD36-1 | Mouse CD36 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd36-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD40-1 | Mouse CD40 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd40-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD40L-1 | Mouse CD40 Ligand IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd40-ligand-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD48-1 | Custom Mouse CD48 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd48-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD6-1 | Custom Mouse CD6 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd6-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CD80-1 | Mouse CD80 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd80-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Chemerin-1 | Custom Mouse Chemerin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-chemerin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Chordin-1 | Mouse Chordin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-chordin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-cIAP2-1 | Custom Mouse cIAP-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ciap-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Clusterin-1 | Custom Mouse Clusterin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-clusterin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CoagFIII-1 | Mouse Coagulation Factor III IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-coagulation-factor-iii-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CRG2-1 | Mouse CRG-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-crg-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CRP-1 | Mouse CRP IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-crp-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CT1-1 | Mouse CT-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cardiotrophin-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CTACK-1 | Mouse CTACK IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ctack-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CTLA4-1 | Mouse CTLA-4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ctla-4-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CXCL15-1 | Mouse CXCL15 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lungkine-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CXCL16-1 | Mouse CXCL16 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cxcl16-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-CystatinC-1 | Mouse Cystatin C IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cystatin-c-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-DAN-1 | Mouse DAN IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dan-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Decorin-1 | Mouse Decorin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-decorin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-DKK1-1 | Mouse Dkk-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dkk-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-DLL4-1 | Mouse DLL4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dll4-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-DPPIV-1 | Mouse DPPIV IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cd26-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-DR6-1 | Custom Mouse Death Receptor 6 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dr6-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Dtk-1 | Mouse Dtk IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-dtk-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Ecadherin-1 | Mouse E-Cadherin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-e-cadherin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-EDAR-1 | Custom Mouse EDAR IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-edar-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-EDN1-1 | Custom Mouse Endothelin-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-endothelin-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-EGF-1 | Mouse EGF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-egf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-EGFR-1 | Mouse EGFR/ErbB1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-egfr-erbb1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Endocan-1 | Mouse Endocan IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-endocan-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Endostatin-1 | Mouse Endostatin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-endostatin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ENG-1 | Mouse Endoglin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-endoglin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Eotaxin-1 | Mouse Eotaxin-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-eotaxin-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Eotaxin2-1 | Mouse Eotaxin-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-eotaxin-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Epigen-1 | Mouse Epigen IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-epigen-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Epiregulin-1 | Mouse Epiregulin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-epiregulin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-EPO-1 | Mouse EPO IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-erythropoietin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ESelectin-1 | Mouse E-Selectin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-e-selectin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Fas-1 | Mouse FAS/TNFRSF6/Apo-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fas-tnfrsf6-apo-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-FasL-1 | Mouse Fas L IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fas-ligand-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-FcgRIIB-1 | Mouse Fc-gamma-RIIb IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fc-gamma-riib-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-FetuinA-1 | Mouse Fetuin A IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fetuin-a-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-FGF7-1 | Mouse FGF-7 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fgf-7-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Flt3L-1 | Mouse Flt-3L IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-flt-3-ligand-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Fractalkine-1 | Mouse Fractalkine IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-fractalkine-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Galectin1-1 | Mouse Galectin-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-galectin-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Galectin3-1 | Mouse Galectin-3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-galectin-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Galectin7-1 | Mouse Galectin-7 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-galectin-7-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-GAS6-1 | Mouse GAS6 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gas-6-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-GCSF-1 | Mouse G-CSF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gcsf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-GITR-1 | Custom Mouse GITR IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gitr-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-GITRL-1 | Mouse GITR L IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gitr-ligand-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-GMCSF-1 | Mouse GM-CSF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gm-csf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-gp130-1 | Mouse gp130 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gp130-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-GranzymeB-1 | Mouse Granzyme B IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-granzyme-b-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-GREM1-1 | Mouse Gremlin-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gremlin-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-H60-1 | Mouse H60 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-h60-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-HAI1-1 | Mouse HAI-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hai-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-HGF-1 | Mouse HGF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hgf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-HGFR-1 | Mouse HGFR/MET IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hgfr-met-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-HSP27-1 | Mouse HSP27 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hsp27-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-HSP70-1 | Custom Mouse Heat Shock Protein 70 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-hsp70-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ICAM1-1 | Mouse ICAM-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-icam-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IFNg-1 | Mouse IFN-gamma IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ifn-gamma-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IFNgR1-1 | Mouse IFN-gamma R1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ifn-gamma-r1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGA-1 | Mouse IgA IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-iga-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IgE-1 | Mouse IgE IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ige-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGF1-1 | Mouse IGF-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igf-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGF1R-1 | Custom Mouse IGF-1R IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igf-1-r-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGF2-1 | Mouse IGF-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igf-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGFBP2-1 | Mouse IGFBP-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGFBP3-1 | Mouse IGFBP-3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGFBP5-1 | Mouse IGFBP-5 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-5-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGFBP6-1 | Mouse IGFBP-6 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igfbp-6-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IgG1-1 | Mouse IgG1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IgG2A-1 | Mouse IgG2A IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg2a-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGG2B-1 | Mouse IgG2b IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg2b-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IGG3-1 | Custom Mouse IgG3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igg3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IgM-1 | Mouse IgM IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6315 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-igm-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL10-1 | Mouse IL-10 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-10-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL11-1 | Mouse IL-11 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-11-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL12P40P70-1 | Mouse IL-12 p40/70 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-12-p40-p70-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL13-1 | Mouse IL-13 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-13-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL15-1 | Mouse IL-15 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-15-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL17-1 | Mouse IL-17A IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17a-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL17B-1 | Mouse IL-17B IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17b-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL17BR-1 | Mouse IL-17BR IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6315 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17-rb-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL17E-1 | Mouse IL-17 E IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17e-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL17F-1 | Custom Mouse IL-17F IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-17f-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL18-1 | Mouse IL-18 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-18-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL1a-1 | Mouse IL-1 alpha IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-1-alpha-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL1b-1 | Mouse IL-1 beta IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-1-beta-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL1ra-1 | Mouse IL-1 RA IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-1-ra-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL20-1 | Mouse IL-20 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-20-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL2-1 | Mouse IL-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL21-1 | Mouse IL-21 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-21-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL22-1 | Mouse IL-22 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-22-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL23p19-1 | Mouse IL-23 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-23-p19-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL28-1 | Mouse IL-28A/B IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-28a-b-ifn-lambda-2-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL2Ra-1 | Mouse IL-2 R alpha IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-2-r-alpha-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL3-1 | Mouse IL-3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL33-1 | Mouse IL-33 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-33-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL3Rb-1 | Custom Mouse IL-3 R beta IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-3-r-beta-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL4-1 | Mouse IL-4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-4-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL5-1 | Mouse IL-5 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-5-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL6-1 | Mouse IL-6 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-6-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL6R-1 | Mouse IL-6 R IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-6-r-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL7-1 | Mouse IL-7 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-7-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL7Ra-1 | Custom Mouse IL-7 R alpha IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-7-r-alpha-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-IL9-1 | Mouse IL-9 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-il-9-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Insulin-1 | Mouse Insulin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-insulin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ITAC-1 | Mouse I-TAC IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-i-tac-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-JAMA-1 | Mouse JAMA IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-jam-a-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-KC-1 | Mouse KC IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-kc-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Kremen1-1 | Custom Mouse Kremen-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-kremen-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Leptin-1 | Mouse Leptin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-leptin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-LeptinR-1 | Mouse Leptin R IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-leptin-r-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Limitin-1 | Mouse Limitin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-limitin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Lipocalin2-1 | Mouse Lipocalin-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lipocalin-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-LIVIN-1 | Custom Mouse Livin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-livin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-LIX-1 | Mouse LIX IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lix-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-LOX1-1 | Custom Mouse LOX-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lox-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-LSelectin-1 | Mouse L-Selectin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6315 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-l-selectin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Lymphotactin-1 | Mouse Lymphotactin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-lymphotactin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MAdCAM1-1 | Custom Mouse MAdCAM-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-madcam-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Marapsin-1 | Custom Mouse Marapsin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-marapsin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MBL2-1 | Custom Mouse MBL-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mbl-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MCP1-1 | Mouse MCP-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mcp-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MCP5-1 | Mouse MCP-5 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mcp-5-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MCSF-1 | Mouse M-CSF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-m-csf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MDC-1 | Mouse MDC IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mdc-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Meteorin-1 | Custom Mouse Meteorin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-meteorin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MFGE8-1 | Mouse MFG-E8 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mfg-e8-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MIG-1 | Mouse MIG IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mig-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MIP1a-1 | Mouse MIP-1 alpha IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-1-alpha-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MIP1b-1 | Mouse MIP-1 beta/CCL4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-1-beta-ccl4-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MIP1g-1 | Mouse MIP-1 gamma IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-1-gamma-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MIP2-1 | Mouse MIP-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MIP3a-1 | Mouse MIP-3 alpha IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-3-alpha-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MIP3b-1 | Mouse MIP-3 beta IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mip-3-beta-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MMP10-1 | Mouse MMP-10 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mmp-10-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MMP2-1 | Mouse MMP-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mmp-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MMP3-1 | Mouse MMP-3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-mmp-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-MPO-1 | Mouse MPO IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-myeloperoxidase-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Neprilysin-1 | Mouse Neprilysin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-neprilysin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Nope-1 | Custom Mouse Nope IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-nope-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-NOV-1 | Custom Mouse NOV IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-nov-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-OPG-1 | Mouse OPG IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-osteoprotegerin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-OPN-1 | Mouse OPN IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-osteopontin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Osteoactivin-1 | Mouse Osteoactivin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-osteoactivin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-p27-1 | Custom Mouse p27/Kip1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-p27-kip1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PAII-1 | Mouse PAI-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pai-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PCadherin-1 | Custom Mouse P-Cadherin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-p-cadherin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PDGFAA-1 | Mouse PDGF-AA IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pdgf-aa-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PDGFAB-1 | Mouse PDGF-AB IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pdgf-ab-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PDGFBB-1 | Mouse PDGF-BB IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6315 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pdgf-bb-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Periostin-1 | Mouse Periostin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-periostin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PF4-1 | Mouse PF-4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-platelet-factor-4-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PLGF2-1 | Mouse PLGF-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-plgf-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PRDC-1 | Mouse PRDC IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-prdc-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Progranulin-1 | Mouse Progranulin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-progranulin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Prolactin-1 | Mouse Prolactin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-prolactin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-proMMP9-1 | Mouse pro-MMP-9 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pro-mmp-9-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Prostasin-1 | Custom Mouse Prostasin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-prostasin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Pselectin-1 | Mouse P-Selectin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-p-selectin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-PSPN-1 | Custom Mouse Persephin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-persephin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-RAGE-1 | Mouse RAGE IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-rage-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-RANTES-1 | Mouse RANTES IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-rantes-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-RBP4-1 | Custom Mouse RBP4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-rbp4-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Renin1-1 | Mouse Renin 1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-renin-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Resistin-1 | Mouse Resistin IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-resistin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-SCF-1 | Mouse SCF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-scf-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-SDF1a-1 | Mouse SDF-1 alpha IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-sdf-1-alpha-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-sFRP3-1 | Mouse sFRP-3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-sfrp-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-ShhN-1 | Mouse ShhN IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-sonic-hedgehog-n-terminal-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-SLAM-1 | Mouse SLAM/CD150 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6855 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-slam-cd150-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-SMAC-1 | Custom Mouse SMAC IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-smac-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TACI-1 | Custom Mouse TACI IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-taci-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TARC-1 | Mouse TARC IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tarc-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TCA3-1 | Mouse TCA-3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-i-309-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TCK1-1 | Mouse TCK-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tck-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TECK-1 | Mouse TECK IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-teck-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-Testican3-1 | Custom Mouse Testican 3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-testican-3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TIM1-1 | Mouse TIM-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tim-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TIMP1-1 | Mouse TIMP-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TIMP2-1 | Mouse TIMP-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TIMP4-1 | Custom Mouse TIMP-4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-timp-4-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TNFA-1 | Mouse TNF alpha IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tnf-alpha-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TNFR1-1 | Mouse sTNFRI IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tnf-ri-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TNFR2-1 | Custom Mouse sTNFRII IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tnf-rii-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TNFSF4-1 | Mouse TNFSF4 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ox40-ligand-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TPO-1 | Mouse TPO IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-thrombopoietin-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TRAIL-1 | Mouse TRAIL IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-trail-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TRANCE-1 | Mouse TRANCE IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-trance-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TREM1-1 | Mouse TREM-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 7140 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-trem-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TREML1-1 | Custom Mouse TREML1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-treml1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TROY-1 | Mouse TROY IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-troy-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TSG14-1 | Mouse Pentraxin-3/TSG-14 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6930 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pentraxin-3-tsg-14-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TSLP-1 | Mouse TSLP IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tslp-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TSP2-1 | Mouse TSP-2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6315 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-thrombospondin-2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TWEAK-1 | Mouse TWEAK IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tweak-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-TWEAKR-1 | Mouse TWEAK R IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 8655 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-tweak-r-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-VCAM1-1 | Mouse VCAM-1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vcam-1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-VEGF-1 | Mouse VEGF IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegf-a-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-VEGFB-1 | Mouse VEGF-B IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegf-b-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-VEGFR1-1 | Mouse VEGF R1 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegfr1-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-VEGFR2-1 | Mouse VEGFR2 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegfr2-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-VEGFR3-1 | Mouse VEGFR3 IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 6030 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vegfr3-iqelisa-kit/ |
IQM-XIAP-1 | Custom Mouse XIAP IQELISA Kit | 96-Well | 9396 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-xiap-iqelisa-kit/ |
EIAM-ACTH-1 | Mouse Adrenocorticotropic Hormone EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-adrenocorticotropic-hormone-eia/ |
EIAM-ADM-1 | Mouse Adrenomedullin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Adrenomedullin-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-ADPN-1 | Mouse ADPN EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-adiponutrin-adpn-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-ANGII-1 | Mouse ANGII EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-angiotensin-ii-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-ANP-1 | Mouse ANP EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-anp-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-APC-1 | Mouse Apelin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-apelin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-BNP-1 | Mouse BNP EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-bnp-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-BRAK-1 | Mouse Bradykinin EIA | 96-Well | 4512 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Bradykinin-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-CART-1 | Mouse CART EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cart-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-CAT-1 | Mouse Catestatin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-catestatin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-CCK-1 | Mouse CCK EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-cholecystokinin-cck-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-CGRP-1 | Mouse CGRP-I EIA | 96-Well | 4512 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-CGRP-I-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-CLUb-1 | Mouse Clusterin beta EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-clusterin-beta-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-COP-1 | Mouse Copeptin EIA | 96-Well | 4512 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Copeptin-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-CPE-1 | Mouse C-Peptide EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-c-peptide-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-DYN-1 | Mouse Dynorphin A EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Dynorphin-A-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-GAS-1 | Mouse Gastrin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gastrin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-GHR-1 | Mouse Ghrelin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-ghrelin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-GIP-1 | Mouse GIP EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-gastric-inhibitory-peptide-gip-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-GLP1-1 | Mouse GLP-1 EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-glp-1-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-GLU-1 | Mouse Glucagon EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-glucagon-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-GSA-1 | Mouse Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-guanine-nucleotide-binding-protein-gs-subunit-alpha-elisa-kit-52148/ |
EIAM-INB-1 | Mouse Inhibin-B EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-inhibin-b-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-IPF2A-1 | Mouse Isoprostane EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Isoprostane-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-NEA-1 | Mouse Neurokinin-A EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-neurokinin-a-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-NEB-1 | Mouse Neurokinin-B EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-neurokinin-b-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-NEU2-1 | Mouse Neurophysin-2 EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-neurophysin-2-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-NMB-1 | Mouse Neuromedin-B EIA | 96-Well | 4512 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Neuromedin-B-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-NPW23-1 | Mouse NPW23 EIA | 96-Well | 4512 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-NPW23-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-NPY-1 | Mouse Neuropeptide Y EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-neuropeptide-y-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-NT-1 | Mouse Neurotensin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-neurotensin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-NUCB-1 | Mouse Nucleobindin-2 EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-nucleobindin-2-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-OBS-1 | Mouse Obestatin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-obestatin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-OME-1 | Mouse Omentin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-omentin-elisa/ |
EIAM-OXT-1 | Mouse Oxytocin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Oxytocin-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-PNOC-1 | Mouse Nociceptin EIA | 96-Well | 4512 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Nociceptin-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-ProNPY-1 | Mouse Pro-NPY/CPON EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pro-npy-cpon-eia/ |
EIAM-ProPPY-1 | Mouse ProPPY/PI EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-proppy-pielisa-kit-52427/ |
EIAM-PTH-1 | Mouse PTH EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-pth-rp-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-PYY-1 | Mouse PYY EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-peptide-yy-pyy-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-RBP-1 | Mouse RBP-4 EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-retinol-binding-protein-4-rbp4-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-RES-1 | Mouse Resistin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-resistin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-SEC-1 | Mouse Secretin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-secretinelisa-kit/ |
EIAM-SOM-1 | Mouse Somatostatin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-somatostatin-elisa/ |
EIAM-SP-1 | Mouse Substance P EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-substance-p-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-TMSB4X-1 | Mouse Thymosin beta-4 EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Thymosin-beta-4-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-UBL5-1 | Mouse Ubiquitin-like protein 5 EIA | 96-Well | 4512 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Mouse-Ubiquitin-like-protein-5-ELISA-Kit/ |
EIAM-URO-1 | Mouse Urocortin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-urocortinelisa-kit/ |
EIAM-UTS2-1 | Mouse Urotensin-2 EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-urotensin-2-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-VAP-1 | Mouse Vaspin EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-vaspin-elisa-kit/ |
EIAM-VIP-1 | Mouse VIP EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-vipelisa-kit-51893/ |
EIAM-ZAG-1 | Mouse ZAG EIA | 96-Well | 4560 | https://www.raybiotech.com/mouse-zag-elisa-kit/ |
CBEL-4EBP1-T36-1 | Custom Human and Mouse Phospho-4E-BP1 (Thr36) and Total 4E-BP1 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/4E-BP1-Thr36-and-pan-4E-BP1-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-ACC1-S79-1 | Custom Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-ACC1 (Ser79) and Total ACC1 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/ACC1-Ser79-and-pan-ACC1-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-ACEHIS3-1 | Custom Human/Mouse Acetylated-Histone H3 Cell-based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-acetylated-histone-h3-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-AKT-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat AKT (S473) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/akt-s473-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-CASP3-D175-1 | Custom Human/Mouse Cleaved-Caspase-3 (D175) Cell-based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-cleaved-caspase-3-d175-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-CASP7-D198-1 | Custom Human/Mouse Cleaved-Caspase-7 (D198) Cell-based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-cleaved-caspase-7-d198-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-CDK1-Y15-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-CDK1 (Y15) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4536 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-cdk1-y15-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-CDK1-Y15-2 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-CDK1 (Y15) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 8165 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-cdk1-y15-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-CDK1-Y15-5 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-CDK1 (Y15) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 18144 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-cdk1-y15-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-EGFR845-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-EGFR (Y845) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/cell-based-egfr-tyr845-elisa-kit-1x96-well/ |
CBEL-EGFR992-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-EGFR (Y992) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/cell-based-egfr-tyr992-elisa-kit-1x96-well/ |
CBEL-ERK-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-ERK1/2 (T202/Y204) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-erk1-2-t202-y204-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-FOXO3-S253-1 | Custom Human and Mouse Phospho-FOXO3 (Ser253) and Total FOXO3 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/FOXO3-Ser253-and-pan-FOXO3-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-GSK3a-1 | Human/Mouse GSK-3 alpha (S21) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/gsk3-alpha-s21-elisa/ |
CBEL-GSK3b-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat GSK-3 beta (S9) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-gsk-3-beta-s9-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-HDAC2-S394-1 | Custom Human‚ Mouse and Rat Phospho-HDAC2 (Ser394) and Total HDAC2 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/HDAC2-Ser394-and-pan-HDAC2-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-JNK-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat JNK (T183/Y185) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-jnk-t183-y185-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-MARCKS-S152-1 | Custom Human and Mouse Phospho-MARCKS (Ser152/156) and Total MARCKS Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/marcks-ser152-156-and-pan-marcks-phospho-cell-based-elisa-kit/ |
CBEL-MKK3-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MKK3 (S189) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/cell-based-mkk3-s189elisa-kit/ |
CBEL-MKK6-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-MKK6 (S207) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/cell-based-mkk6-s207-elisa-kit/ |
CBEL-NFKBP65-S536-1 | Custom Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-NF-kB P65 (Ser536) and Total NF-kB P65 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/NF-kB-P65-Ser536-and-pan-NF-kB-P65-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-P38-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-p38 MAPK (T180/Y182) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-p38-mapk-t180-y182-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-p53-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat p53 (S15) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/p53-s15-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-PDK1-S241-1 | Custom Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-PDK1 (Ser241) and Total PDK1 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/PDK1-Ser241-and-pan-PDK1-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-PDK1-S410-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-PDK1 (Ser410) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-pdk1-ser410-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-Rictor-T1135-1 | Custom Human and Mouse Phospho-Rictor (Thr1135) and Total Rictor Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/Rictor-Thr1135-and-pan-Rictor-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-RPS6-1 | Human/Mouse RPS6 (S235/S236) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/rps6-s235-s236-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-RSK2-S386-1 | Custom Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-RSK2 (Ser386) and Total RSK2 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/rsk2-ser386-and-pan-rsk2-phospho-cell-based-elisa-kit-62172/ |
CBEL-SHC-Y427-1 | Custom Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-SHC (Tyr427) and Total SHC Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/SHC-Tyr427-and-pan-SHC-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-SHP2-1 | Human/Mouse SHP2 (Y542) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/shp2-y542-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-STAT1-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat 1 (Y701) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-phospho-stat-1-y701-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-STAT3-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Stat 3 (Y705) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-rat-phospho-stat-3-y705-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-STAT4-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat 4 (Y693) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-phospho-stat-4-y693-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-STAT6-1 | Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat 6 (Y641) Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 4584 | https://www.raybiotech.com/human-mouse-phospho-stat-6-y641-cell-based-elisa/ |
CBEL-TBK1-S172-1 | Custom Human, Mouse and Rat Phospho-TBK1 (Ser172) and Total TBK1 Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 7596 | https://www.raybiotech.com/TBK1-Ser172-and-pan-TBK1-phospho-cell-based-ELISA-Kit/ |
CBEL-Tyrosine-1 | Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Tyrosine Cell-Based ELISA | 96-Well | 3600 | https://www.raybiotech.com/phosphotyrosine-ptyr-cell-based-elisa-kit-1-x-96-well/ |