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品牌:Sumitomo Bakelite 住友电木      货号:MS-9096VZ    产品名称:PrimeSurface 96V plate


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Sumitomo Bakelite


MS-9096VZPrimeSurface 96V plate20个

Sumitomo Bakelite


MS-9096UZPrimeSurface 96U plate20个




















MCTS(Multicellular Tumor Spheroid)尺寸均一的重要性








MS-9035XZPrimeSurface®培养皿35mm35×14mm9cm2-5包 50/case
MS-9060XZPrimeSurface®培养皿60mm60×15mm21cm2-10包 100/case
MS-9090XZPrimeSurface®培养皿90mm90×20mm57cm2-10包 50/case
MS-9024XZSumiron Celltight板24F24孔平底1.8cm23.4mL/well1包 10/case


MS-9384UZPrimeSurface® 384U多孔板384U底0.1mL1/包·20/case
MS-9384WZPrimeSurface® 384U白色多孔板384U底0.1mL1/包·20/case
MS-9096VZPrimeSurface® 96V多孔板96V底0.3mL1/包·20/case
MS-9096MZPrimeSurface® 96M多孔板96纺锤底0.2mL1/包·20/case
MS-9096UZPrimeSurface® 96U多孔板96U底0.3mL1/包·20/case
MS-9096WZPrimeSurface® 96U白色多孔板96U底0.3mL1/包·20/case




1、KUWAHARA, Atsushi, et al. Generation of a ciliary margin-like stem cell niche from self-organizing human retinal tissue.Nature communications,2015,6.:1-15(MS-9096V 

2、TANAKA,T, et al. Generation of retinal ganglion cells with functional axons from human induced pluripotent stem cells.Sci Rep,2015,5.8344.(MS-9096V )

3、EIRAKU, Mototsugu and SASAl, Yoshiki Mouse embryonic stem cell culture for generation of three-dimensional retinal and cortical tissues. Nature protocols,2012,7.1:69-79.(MS-9096U

4、NAKANO, Tokushige, et al. Self-Formation of Optic Cups and Storable Stratified Neural Retin a from Human ESCs. Cell Stem Cell,2012,10.6:771-785.(MS-9096V )

5、GAO, Lixiong, et al. Intermittent high oxygen influences the formation of neural retinal tissue from human embryonic stem cells. Scientific Reports,2016,6.(MS-9096V )


1、MUGURUMA, Keiko, et al. Self-Organization of Polarized  Cerebellar Tissue in 3D Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Reports,2015,10:537-550(MS-9096V)

2、BAMBA,Y, et al. Differentiation, polarization, and migration ofl human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural  progenitor cells co-cultured with a human glial cell line with radial glial-like characteristics. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2014,447.4:683-688.(MS-9096V)

3、MINAMINO, Yuki, et al. Isolation and Propagation of Neural Crest Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells via Cranial Neurospheres. Stem cells and development,2014,24.2:172-181(MS-9096U,M orV)

4、KADOSHIMA,T, et al. Self-organization of axial polarity, inside-out layer pattern, and species-specific progenitor dynamics in human ES cell-derived neocortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2013,110.50:20284-20289.(MS-9096V)

5、OGAWA, Yasuhiro, et al. Impaired neural differentiation of  induced pluripotent stem cells generated from a mouse model of Sandhoff disease. PLoS ONE,2013,8.1:e55856.(MS-9096U,M or V)

6、GOMI, Masanori, et al. Function al recovery of the murine brain  schemia model using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived telencephalic progenitors. Brain research,2012,1459.52-60.(Ms-9035X)

7、NASU, Makoto, et al. Robust formation and mainten ance of  continuous stratified cortical neuroepithelium by laminin-containing matrix in mouse ES cell culture. PLoS ONE,2012,7.12:e53024.(MS-9096U,M or V)

8、DANJO,T, et al. Subregional specification of embryonic stem cell-derived ventral telencephalic tissues by timed and  combinatory treatment with extrinsic signals. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience,2011,31.5:1919-1933.(MS-9096U)

9、KANEMURA, Yonehiro Development of cell-processing systems  for human stem cells(neural stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and iPS cells) for regenerative medicine. The Keio journal of medicine,2010,59.2:35-45.(MS-9096U)

10、FUKUSUMI, Hayato, et al.(2016). Establishment of human  neural progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells with diverse tissue. Stem cells international:1-10.(MS-9096 U,M or V;MS-9035X;MS-9060X or MS-9090X)

11、RAASCH, Martin, et al.(2016). An integrative microfluidically supported in vitro model of an endothelial barrier combined with cortical spheroids simulates effects of neuroinflammation in neocortex development. Biomicrofluidics.10:044102.(MS-9096U,M or V)

12、ISODA, Miho, et al.(2016). Robust production of human neural  kells by establishing neuroepithelial-like stem cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived feeder-free iPSCs under xeno-free conditions. Neuroscienc Research.(MS-9096M)

13、BAMBA, Yohei, et al.(2016). In vitro characterization of neurite lextension using induced pluripotent stem cells derived from or lissencephaly patients with TUBA1A missense mutations.Molecular brain.(MS-9035X, MS-9060X or MS-9090X)

14、SAKAGUCHI, Hideya, et al.(2015). Generation of functional hippocampal neurons from self-organizing human embryonic stem cell-derived dorsomedial telencephalic tissue. Nature communications.6:1-11.(MS-9096V)

15、MUGURUMA, Keiko, et al. Self-Organization of Polarized Cerebellar Tissue in 3D Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Reports,2015,10:537-550(MS-9096V )


1、TAKASHIMA, Yasuhiro, et al. Resetting transcription factor control circuitry toward ground-state pluripotency in human. Cell,2014,158.6:1254-1269.(MS-9096V)

2、OTSUJI, Tomomi G, et al. Dynamic link between histone H3 acetylation and an increase in the functional characteristics of human ESC/iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. PLoS ONE,2012,7.9: e45010.(MS-9035X)

3、SATOSHI, Yasuda, et al. AW551984:a novel regulator of  cardiomyogenesis in pluripotent embryonic cells. Biochemical Journal,2011,437.2:345-355.(MS-9096U)

4、YASUDA,S, et al.A novel regulator of cardiomyogenesis in pluripotent embryonic cells. The Biochemical journal,2011,437.2:345-355.(MS-9096U)

5、OTSUJI, Tomomi G, et al. Progressive maturation in con tracting kardiomyocytes derived from human embryonic stem cells: Qualitative effects on electrophysiological responses to drugs. Stem cell research,2010,4.3:201-213.(MS-9096U)

6、VAMAUCHI, Kaori, et al. Cardiomyocytes develop from anterior primitive streak cells induced by β-catenin activation and the blockage of BMP signaling in hESCs. Genes to Cells,2010,15.12:1216-1227.(MS-9035X,MS-9060X or MS- 9090X)

7、GUO, Ge, et al.(2016). Naive pluripotent stem cells derived directly from isolated cells of the human innercell mass. Stem Cell Reports.6:437-446.(MS-9096V)

8、NOGUCHI, Ryo, et al.(2016). Development of a three-dimensional pre-vascularized scaffold-freecon tractile cardiac patch for treating heart disease. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.35:137-145.(MS-9096U MS-9035X, MS-9060X or MS-9090X)

9、NOGUCHI, Ryo, et al. Development of a Three-Dimensional Prevascularized Scaffold-Free Contractile Cardiac Patch for Treating Heart Disease. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation,2015,(MS.9096 )


1、ISHII, Takamichi (2012). Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Functional Hepatocyte-Like Cells(Method). Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 2, Springer:43-49.(MS-9096U,M or V)

2、ISHII, Takamichi et al.(2012). Hepatic Maturation of hES Cells by Using a Murine Mesenchymal Cell Line Derived from Fetal Livers. Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells,Springer:397-403.(MS-9096 U,M or V)

3、ISHII, Takamichi, et al. In vitro hepatic maturation of human embryonic stem cells by using a mesenchymal celline derived from murine fetal livers. Cell and tissue research,2010,339.3:505-512.(MS-9096U)

4、ANAGIDA, Ayaka, et al. Liver maturation deficiency in p57 Kip2-/-mice occurs in a hepatocytic p57 Kip2 expression-independent manner. Developmental biology,2015,(MS-9096U)


1、OZEKI, Nobuaki, et al. Differentiation of Human Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells into Odontoblasts Is Dependent on Induction of αl integrin Expression Journal of Biological Chemistry,2014,289.20:14380-14391.(MS-9035X, MS-9060X or MS-9090X )

2、YAMAMOTO, Mioko, et al. Three-dimensional spheroid culture promotes odonto/osteoblastic differentiation of dental pulp cells. Archives of oral biology,2014,59.3:310-317. (MS-9096U,M or V)


KONISHI,T, et al. In Vitro Reconstruction of Mouse Seminiferous Tubules Supporting Germ Cell Differentiation. Biol Reprod,2013,89.(1):15:1-6.(MS-9096V)


1、OHNISHI, Hiroe, et al.A comparative study of induced pluripotent stem cells generated from frozen, stocked bone marrow and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine,2012,6.4:261-271.1.(MS-9035X)

2、AOKI,T, et al. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human adipose-derived stem cells without c-MYC. Tissue engineering. Part A,2010,16.7:2197-2206.(MS-9035X)

3、ODA,Y, et al. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from human third molar mesenchymal stromal cells.J Biol Chem,2010,285.38:29270-29278.(MS-9035X, MS-9060Xor MS-9090X)

4、OHNISHI, Hiroe, et al. Generation of Xeroderma Pigmentosum-A Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Line for Use As Future Disease Model. Cellular Reprogramming(Formerly"Cloning and Stem Cells"),2015,17.4:268-274.


1、SUZUKI,N, et al. Evaluation of novel high-throughput embryonic stem cell tests with new molecular markers for screening embryotoxic chemicals in vitro. Toxicological sciences: an official journal of the Society of Toxicology,2011,124.2:460-471.(MS-9096W)

2、NAGAHORI,H, et al.(2016). Prediction of in vivo developmental toxicity by combination of Hand1-Luc lembryonic stem cell test and metabolic stability test with clarification of metabolically inapplicable candidates. Toxicol Lett.259:44-51.(MS-9096U)

3、YU, Ruoxing, et al.(2015).A Modified Murine Embryonic Stem Cell Test for Evaluating the Teratogenic Effects of Drugs on Early Embryogenesis. PLoS ONE.10:e0145286.(MS-9096U)

4、COZ, Florian Le, et al.(2015). Hand1-Luc Embryonic Stem Cell Test(Hand1-Luc EST):A novel rapid and highly reproducible in vitro test for embryotoxicity by measuring cytotoxicity and differentiation toxicity using engineered mouse ES cells. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences.40:251-261.(MS-9096W)


1、HINO, Kyosuke, et al.(2015). Neofunction of ACVR1 in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.112:15438-15443.(MS-9096U)

2、MURATA, Daiki, et al.A preliminary study of osteochondral regeneration using a scaffold-free three dimensional construct  of porcine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research,2015,10.1:1-12.(MS-9096U,M or  V)

3、FUJIMOTO, Mai, et al. Establishment of a novel model of chondrogenesis using murine embryonic stem cells carrying fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva-associated mutant ALK2.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2014,455.3:347-352.1.(MS-9096U,M or V)

4、ISHIHARA, Kohei, et al. Simultaneous regeneration of full-thickness cartilage and subchondral bone defects in vivo using a three-dimensional scaffold-free autologous construct derived from high-density bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.J Orthop Surg Res,2014,9.1:98.1.(MS-9096U)


1、KAGEYAMA, Tatsuto, et al.(2016). In situ crosslinkable gelatin-CMC hydrogels designed for rapid engineering of perfusable or vasculatures. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.(MS-9096U MS-9035X, MS-9060X or MS-9090X )

2、ITOH,M, et al. Scaffold-Free Tubular Tissues Created by a Bio-3D Printer Undergo Remodeling and Endothelialization when Implanted in Rat Aortae. PLoS ONE,2015,10.9:e0136681.(Ms-9096U)


NAKAMURA, Kentaro, et al.(2016). Introduction to a new cell transplantation platform via recombinant peptide petaloid pieces and its application to islet transplantation with mesenchymal stem cells. Transplant International.29:1039-1050.(MS-9096U )


SAYO, Kan ae, et al.(2016). Fabrication of bone marrow-like tissue in vitro from dispersed-state bone marrow cells.Regenerative Therapy.3:32-37.(MS-9096U)

PrimSurface® 肿瘤研究参考文献

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